By 8

Study: Vibrating Armband Can Reduce Monthly Migraines
A new study has found that an Israeli-developed vibrating armband can reduce the amount of chronic migraines a person experiences per month. The Nerivio migraine bioband, developed by Netanya-based Theranica, is placed on the upper arm as soon as a migraine starts (or even used as a preventative measure), and vibrates at an intensity just […]
September 18, 2023

Tel Aviv Startup Launches World’s First AI Hotel Receptionist
An Israeli startup has launched what it says is the world’s first generative AI hotel receptionist, which it says will ease shortages in hospitality staff worldwide. Easyway has created a 24/7 concierge for customers that combines its own proprietary AI solution with GPT-4, the large language model that powers ChatGPT. The new AI agent can […]
September 18, 2023

Israeli Oxygen-Boosting Device Submitted For FDA Approval
A new device developed by an Israeli startup that lets patients breathe without the use of their lungs has been submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in hospitals. The INSPIRA ART 100, produced by Inspira Technologies, draws blood with low oxygen levels from patients and circulates it, enriches it with […]
September 14, 2023

Startup Releases New Cost-Effective Generative AI Models
An Israeli company that uses artificial intelligence to develop artificial intelligence has released new, cost-efficient generative AI models for use by other businesses. Deci’s new generative AI models include the DeciDiffusion 1.0, a text-to-image model that generates quality images in less than a second; and the DeciCoder, a code generator that can understand, summarize, generate […]
September 14, 2023

Israeli Cultivated Chicken First Ever To Get US Kosher Certification
In a world first, the chicken produced by an Israeli cultivated meat company has been certified kosher by the most widely recognized kashrut certification agency, just days before Rosh HaShanah (the Jewish New Year). New York-based OU Kosher, the world’s largest kosher certification agency, determined that the chicken meat grown from Tel Aviv’s SuperMeat adheres […]
September 14, 2023

Israeli Startup Brings Ultra-Fast EV Charging Booster To The US
An Israeli startup behind a power booster that provides sustainable, ultra-fast charging at electric vehicle (EV) stations has installed its product in the US for the first time. ZOOZ Power says its ZOOZTER-100 can fully charge EV batteries in 15 minutes, even in locations that are not fully connected to the electricity grid. It works […]
September 13, 2023

New Joint Israel-US Program Supports Food Security R&D
Israeli and US scientists who are using their research to address pressing food security issues may be eligible to receive up to four million shekels (approx. $1 million), as part of a new competitive program launched by the Israeli and American governments. This new program is being jointly operated by the Israeli Ministry of Innovation, […]
September 13, 2023

Insulin-Based Drug Gives Preemies A Fighting Chance
An Israeli company has produced an insulin-based therapy that strengthens the digestive system of babies born prematurely, helping to stop them from developing life-threatening complications. And for these babies, every day of proper development is crucial. Elgan Pharma says that the preemies who were given its unique therapy reached the ability to absorb all the […]
September 12, 2023

Maker Of Synthetic Eye Tissue Joins Global Accelerator Program
An Israeli startup making synthetic tissue for eyes has been chosen to participate in a prestigious international accelerator program. CorNeat Vision says its EverPatch is the world’s first non-degradable synthetic ocular tissue and is an answer to the global shortage of donors. EverPatch is designed to reinforce the sclera (white outer layer of the eyeball). […]
September 12, 2023

Israeli Firm Treating Tremors With Ultrasound Gets New EU Okay
An Israeli healthcare company that treats tremors using ultrasound has received European Union approval for a second round of treatment for patients. Insightec had previously received a CE mark for its initial round of treatment using its Exablate Neuro platform. The technology can deliver up to 1,024 ultrasound waves across a patient’s skull to remove […]
September 12, 2023

Startup Using Tobacco To Grow Cultivated Meat Opens First Plant
A startup that uses tobacco plants to stimulate the mass production of cultivated meat has opened its first-ever facility in northern Israel. BioBetter grows tobacco plants and manufactures proteins from them, specifically insulin, transferrin, and the growth factor FGF2 – compounds that are necessary to make cultivated meat commercially viable. The pilot plant has the […]
September 12, 2023

Israel Inaugurates Country’s Biggest Floating Solar Energy Field
An Israeli company that constructs solar energy projects has inaugurated the country’s largest-ever floating solar energy field. The photovoltaic (PV) field developed by Teralight covers a total area of approximately 587 dunams (145 acres) and will have the capacity to power 6,500 homes. It also features solar tracking systems, which are designed to follow and […]
September 11, 2023

Israeli Company Uses AI For Energy-Saving Indoor Heating System
An Israeli company behind a smart, emissions-saving air conditioner device has developed a new product that uses AI to optimize energy usage of indoor heating. Sensibo allows users to remotely set timers, control fan speeds and adjust the temperature of all units in their home, to reduce energy consumption and save money. It is preparing […]
September 11, 2023

At Technion Hackathon, Students Use AI To Track Suicidal Ideation
Students at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa have just completed a three-day long hackathon, in which they developed AI platforms to detect the early signs of suicidal ideation in social media activity. First place in the competition went to the creators of a system that would use data gathered from social […]
September 11, 2023

Israeli Organization ‘Hacks’ Solutions For Autistic People
Hundreds of people gathered recently at Israel’s largest college to hear 10 entrepreneurs show off their fledgling startups designed to make the lives of autistic people easier. The 10 had spent the previous six months developing their ideas in an accelerator program held by Hackautism, an organization that helps entrepreneurs to create viable startups to […]
September 10, 2023