By 14

Israeli Underground Scanner Startup Expands Into The UK
A startup that generates detailed 3D maps of underground utilities without the need for excavation is expanding into the UK as part of a project with one of the country’s largest railway infrastructure companies. Tel Aviv-based Exodigo helps companies carry out construction projects by combining 3D imaging and AI technologies with GPR (ground penetrating radar) […]
June 18, 2023

Decoding DNA To Identify Birth Defects In Unborn Babies
Israeli startup Identifai Genetics says it can determine whether a baby will be born with any kind of genetic disorder, using a simple and inexpensive blood test to analyze traces of the fetus’ DNA that is found in the mother’s blood. Current testing for genetic birth defects is habitually carried out in the second trimester (13 […]
June 15, 2023

Renewable Energy Startup Building US Green Heat Storage Plant
TIGI Solar, a renewable energy startup that generates and stores heat from the sun – even in cold weather – will be implementing its system for a large industrial plant in California. Together with the global renewable heat storage company Solid Solar Energy Systems, TIGI signed a $5 million deal with US-based Key Equipment Finance […]
June 15, 2023

Clearing Carbon From The Air With A Fridge And A Balloon
Dozens of huge balloons are taking to the skies over Germany. They’re not carrying passengers eager to witness stunning views, but rather fridge-like containers that suck harmful carbon emissions out of the air and freeze them. It may seem like a strange way of tackling the climate crisis, but Israeli startup High Hopes Labs insists […]
June 12, 2023

Top German Pharma Firm Buys Israeli Wearable Drug Dispenser
A top German pharmaceutical company has completed the purchase of an Israeli startup’s “wearable injectors,” small medical devices that are secured to a patient’s body and automatically deliver a set dose of a drug. Eitan Medical sold the “Sorrel” branch of its company, which makes prefilled wearable injectors that let patients living with chronic conditions […]
June 12, 2023

Israeli Computer Program Improves ADHD Symptoms In Students
A new computer-based treatment developed at Tel Aviv University has been found to improve symptoms in one out of three college students suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The Computerized Progressive Attention Training (CPAT) is a program originally developed for children with ADHD, which is composed of four sets of structured tasks designed to […]
June 12, 2023

Sensors That ‘Smell’ Fuel Could Help Clean Energy Sector
A tiny sensor with an exceptional “sense of smell” is aiming to help the transportation sector adopt clean energy by identifying contaminants in hydrogen gas used for long-haul transportation. A solution like this is key as the world continues to transition to clean energy, requiring a faster supply of high-quality hydrogen. Hydrogen is a clean […]
June 08, 2023

Israeli Parliament Launches ‘Waze For The Blind’ Navigation
Israel’s Knesset (parliament) has launched a new audio guidance system to help the blind, visually impaired, and people with orientation difficulties navigate its premises. The personalized audio guidance was developed by Israeli startup RightHear, developer of an app that provides talking signage and audio descriptions for indoor locations like hospitals, museums, universities, and grocery stores […]
June 08, 2023

World’s Smallest Heart Pump, Made In Israel, Treats NY Patients
The world’s smallest heart pump, which was developed by an Israeli startup, is now being used in the treatment of two heart patients in New York as part of an FDA-approved study. The study is the first step to securing approval for the use of Magenta Medical’s Elevate heart pump in the US. It will […]
June 08, 2023

AI Made In Israel Helping Europeans Conceive Via IVF
Israeli-developed artificial intelligence that works to improve in-vitro fertilization (IVF) is now being used across five European countries. Fairtility helps clinicians determine the embryos with the greatest potential for implantation using its AI assistant CHLOE (Cultivating Human Life through Optimal Embryos). It generates an embryo quality score with insights and explanations based on millions of […]
June 08, 2023

Israeli Non-Profit Opens First STEM Center In Sierra Leone
An Israeli non-profit organization has announced the inauguration of its first STEM center in Sierra Leone. SmartAID, a group of veteran humanitarian aid workers and high-tech entrepreneurs that operates globally, has established over 100 STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) centers to date in over 16 countries, reaching tens of thousands of students from the age […]
June 08, 2023

Israeli Trucks Get Phone Restrictors to Boost Driver Safety
Technology to prevent drivers from using apps on their phones while driving will be implemented in dozens of Isuzu trucks in Israel. The SaverOne system stops drivers from accessing potentially distracting apps such as instant messaging without user intervention, while allowing others like GPS platforms. The system can distinguish between users sitting in the driver […]
June 07, 2023

Israelis Can Now Get Their Birth Certificates Sent To Their Phones
Israeli citizens can now request a digital version of their birth certificate, the country’s Population and Immigration Authority has announced. The digital record will be sent immediately to their email or mobile device, complete with a digital signature, removing the need to personally attend a government office and wait days or weeks for the document […]
June 07, 2023

Amdocs Powering New Campus With Israeli Green Energy
Israeli renewable energy will power the new local office campus of software giant Amdocs, under a new agreement. Enlight Renewable Energy, which develops, constructs, finances, and owns clean energy power plants, will completely power Amdocs’ new Israeli office campus, which spans dozens of acres, over the course of 12 years. The electricity will be sourced […]
June 06, 2023

Foodtech Startup Unveils Plant-Based Butter Substitute For Bakers
An Israeli foodtech startup has unveiled a butter alternative for pastries and other bakery products, by extracting proteins from plants. Gavan Technologies’ alternative butter, FaTRIX, is made of three natural ingredients: plant protein, plant oil, and water. It has successfully used the replacement in several bakery products, including in a soft and airy brioche, where […]
June 06, 2023