Sync.ME: Know Everything About Anyone Who Phones You
Despite advances made on smartphone's contact lists, with so many social networks, people have many more than just one contact list. Israeli startup Sync.ME offers users a phonebook that not only synchs up with social networks, but also displays callers' information.
December 15, 2012

Vidoco: Turn Your Life Into A Documentary
Although there are numerous ways to document and share your life story on the internet using video, Israeli company Vidoco just might be the first to allow you to automatically edit these videos into a documentary-style sequence to share with the world.
December 06, 2012

BT9 Keeps Perishable Produce From Perishing In Transport
Shipping perishable produce is no easy task, and often, items are spoiled. New Israeli company BT9 is an end-to-end cold chain management solutions provider that gives its customers, the producers of perishables, the information they need to better protect their products during transportation.
December 06, 2012

BannerPlay: Making Banner Ads As Simple As Google AdWords
Successfully advertising on the internet is not an easy feat for small and medium businesses with limited budgets. Israeli company BannerPlay is now offering professional banner ads, using a pay-per-click business model.
December 03, 2012

KidsCash: Online Money-Management for Kids
Israeli startup KidsCash is trying to teach monetary responsibility to kids in a fun and understandable way. The KidsCash website allows children to spend, save and donate a designated amount of money while also learning the fundamentals of money management.
December 03, 2012

FreezeStick: The Cool Invention By Israeli Kid Scientists
Six Israeli 14 year-olds have come up with a clever idea for storing cold products on the go. The FreezeStick is an efficient little contraption, that can keep things cool when ice packs have long melted.
November 30, 2012

Alcohoot: The World’s First Smartphone Breathalyzer
Drunk driving is a leading cause of road accidents and deaths. Two young Israeli entrepreneurs have turned the battle against drunk driving into an innovative startup, by inventing the world's first breathalyzer attachment for smartphones.
November 29, 2012

Weboolu: Be A Gamer Anywhere, On Any Screen
The smartphone revolution has forever changed the way we think of games. What was once the realm of gamers, spending hundreds of dollars on consoles, is now accessible to anyone with a smartphone. Now, Israeli company Weebolu is trying to take the revolution further.
November 27, 2012

Xsync: Utilizing QR Codes For File Sharing
Though mostly used by advertisers as a tool to direct people to a certain product's landing page using their smartphones, QR codes' complete potential might be more vast. Israeli company Xsync utilized the technology to enable users to share large files.
November 23, 2012

Plarium: The Israeli Gaming Giant That Is Big In Russia
All over the English speaking world, Zynga is synonymous with Facebook gaming. But in Eastern Europe and Russia, a different company is taking social gaming by storm – Israeli gaming giant Plarium.
November 21, 2012

BGU Researchers To Put Brains In Rescue Robots
Israeli researchers from Ben Gurion University are the only non-Americans to take part in DARPA's project of designing next-generation rescue robots. The Israeli team will be in charge of designing the software for the humanoid robot.
November 19, 2012

GreenRoad: The App That Uses Your Smartphone To Make Driving Safer
Israeli company GreenRoad, which spent the last decade creating sensors for vehicle fleets, has modified its technology to be used on any Android smartphone. The company says their app can help reduce gas consumption by 10 percent and traffic accidents by 50 percent.
November 15, 2012

Track Your Data-Hungry Apps With Onavo Count
Onavo, the creator of popular data compression apps for iPhone and Android, recently launched a new app to help you track apps the most data-hungry app. Onavo Count allows you to view a 30-day history of how apps use cellular data. The app is also integrated with Onavo Extend, which compresses unencrypted data in order to help users get more from their data plan.
November 15, 2012

Israeli App Waze Helped Manage Post-Sandy Gas Shortages
When gas trucks were sent out to handle the shortage caused by Sandy, the main challenge facing the FEMA was prioritizing the numerous deliveries needed. The solution came from Israeli crowdsourcing navigation app Waze.
November 13, 2012

Mossad: Use Your Smartphone To Become A Spy
With its new game, simply titled "Mossad", Israeli gaming company Geonuts wants people to live out their cloak and dagger fantasies using a common, yet sophisticated gadget – the smartphone. The game uses augmented reality and location-based tracking to enable players to act as spies.
November 08, 2012