By Elana Widmann

Liad Agmon, A 35-Year-Young Startup Veteran, On What It Takes To Build A Good Startup In Israel
How can one be called a seasoned business veteran at the age of 35? Well, in Liad Agmon's case, it's simple: he started programming at the age of 13, sold his first startup in his twenties and now lectures in his thirties.
February 10, 2013

Izhar Shay, Founder Of Two Successful Startups, Talks To NoCamels About Success And Failure In The Startup Nation
What makes a successful entrepreneur? How do you go from being the investee to being the investor? And in what ways is writing a book similar to building a startup? NoCamels had a chat with Israeli business veteran Izhar Shay.
January 24, 2013

Bazaart: The Pinterest Collage Creator That’s Creating Buzz
The internet is long past a place for nerds. Designers and trend-setters use online platforms like Pinterest to create and promote their creative ideas. Israeli startup Bazaart takes this notion to new heights with a stylish collage creator for the iPad.
January 16, 2013

TinyTap: Create And Play Personalized iPad Games With Your Kids
Israeli startup TinyTap launched a new iPad app aimed at strengthening the bond between parents and children. The TinyTap platform allows parents to create individualized games and activities for their children, using things like personal photos and voice recordings.
January 02, 2013

Make My Plate: The Online Visual Nutrition Guide
When dieting, many people struggle with keeping exact count of their caloric intake or other nutritional values. Make My Plate, an Israeli startup, has come up with a visual tool to make tracking your diet simple – and even fun.
December 27, 2012

BEEMTech Energy: ‘Making Dumb Buildings Smart’
Commercial buildings around the world are looking to reduce energy costs, but overhauling electricity systems can be expensive. That is why Israeli startup BEEMTech came up with a way to save energy without changing the existing infrastructure.
December 25, 2012

Israeli Entrepreneurs Use Facebook To Teach Kids History
For kids studying for exams, Facebook is the ultimate distraction. So instead of trying to ban the social network, why not use Facebook as a tool to learn? Two Israeli entrepreneurs have launched the Facebook project 'Making History' to do just that.
December 19, 2012

24me: Personal Assistant App Helps You Get Things Done
Did you ever wish for a personal assistant? Someone who would make your life's seemingly endless to-do's more manageable? 24me is an application that helps organize and manage your many chores, including paying bills from within the app and assigning tasks to other people.
December 18, 2012

BT9 Keeps Perishable Produce From Perishing In Transport
Shipping perishable produce is no easy task, and often, items are spoiled. New Israeli company BT9 is an end-to-end cold chain management solutions provider that gives its customers, the producers of perishables, the information they need to better protect their products during transportation.
December 06, 2012

KidsCash: Online Money-Management for Kids
Israeli startup KidsCash is trying to teach monetary responsibility to kids in a fun and understandable way. The KidsCash website allows children to spend, save and donate a designated amount of money while also learning the fundamentals of money management.
December 03, 2012

Alcohoot: The World’s First Smartphone Breathalyzer
Drunk driving is a leading cause of road accidents and deaths. Two young Israeli entrepreneurs have turned the battle against drunk driving into an innovative startup, by inventing the world's first breathalyzer attachment for smartphones.
November 29, 2012

Xsync: Utilizing QR Codes For File Sharing
Though mostly used by advertisers as a tool to direct people to a certain product's landing page using their smartphones, QR codes' complete potential might be more vast. Israeli company Xsync utilized the technology to enable users to share large files.
November 23, 2012

Track Your Data-Hungry Apps With Onavo Count
Onavo, the creator of popular data compression apps for iPhone and Android, recently launched a new app to help you track apps the most data-hungry app. Onavo Count allows you to view a 30-day history of how apps use cellular data. The app is also integrated with Onavo Extend, which compresses unencrypted data in order to help users get more from their data plan.
November 15, 2012

Greenlet: The Smart Way To Save On Electricity And Money
The electricity bill is probably the one that causes most people to do a double take. One of the reasons for the high price of electricity is that electricity companies spend enormous amounts of money generating power during peak hours. Greenlet offers a smart way to reduce your peak electricity consumption and make money in the process.
November 11, 2012

New Application Allows You To Create Life On your Computer
Synthetic biology is an exciting new field being researched in top establishments worldwide. Israeli-American company Genome Compiler has developed software that turns any computer into a genetic engineering lab and allows users to create custom-made microorganisms that can then be ordered online.
November 02, 2012