
Eddy The Robot Helps You Grow Veggies At Home With Hydroponic Farming
Developed by Israeli startup Flux, Eddy makes hydroponic farming accessible to all. Just turn it on, launch its mobile app, and wait for your crisp lettuce to grow.
March 01, 2017

Something Fishy: Organisms From Suez Canal Put Mediterranean Marine Life At Risk
With foreign species from the Suez Canal harming indigenous species in the Mediterranean Sea, TAU researchers try to limit the damage.
February 26, 2017

UN To Host Exhibition Showcasing Gorgeous Israeli Nature Photography
From cute fox cubs to shiny Dead Sea crystals, the Israeli exhibition at the United Nations headquarters in New York City is sure to wow the crowds.
February 12, 2017

The Giving Tree: Israeli Researcher Discovers Trees Interact, Share Resources
In the forest, trees are known to compete for resources such as light and nutrients, but an Israeli researcher discovered that the same trees also engage in sharing.
February 09, 2017

Mass Migration: 3.5 Trillion Insects Fly Over Europe Every Year, 8 Times More Than Birds
Since more insects are born in warmer summers, global warming could increase their numbers significantly. Could this bug invasion harm our planet?
February 05, 2017

Tel Aviv Among 10 First Cities To Incorporate Driverless Cars In Public Transit
Israel's bustling metropolis Tel Aviv is joining London and Washington D.C. in Bloomberg Philanthropies' initiative to encourage the use of driverless cars in public transportation systems.
February 02, 2017

EU Injects €7.7M Into NanoPack To Develop Nanotech Packaging That Prolongs Food Shelf Life
Developed in Israel, NanoPack will enhance food safety, prevent food-borne illness outbreaks, and reduce the 1.3 billion tons of food wasted annually.
January 30, 2017

The Land of Milk, Honey And Whisky? Israel’s First Distillery To Market In Europe
The Milk & Honey Distillery, Israel's first, is banking on the Europeans' craving for "New World" whisky.
January 26, 2017

Ticket To The Moon: SpaceIL Among Five Google Lunar XPRIZE Finalists To Attempt Moon Landing
"Israel is going to be the next nation to reach the Moon," Yariv Bash, co-founder of SpaceIL, tells NoCamels.
January 25, 2017

Genetically Modified Bacteria Could Eat Away The World’s Massive Plastic Problem
By 2050, the weight of plastic in the ocean will equal the weight of the fish in it. To the rescue come Israeli-developed bacteria that could literally eat up plastic bottles!
January 22, 2017

Tel Aviv Revolutionizes City Transportation With New $26M Car-Sharing Service
"This could be the end of the private vehicles era," Tel Aviv's mayor, Ron Huldai, told reporters yesterday.
January 17, 2017

No Time To Monkey Around: Israeli Group Saves Endangered Peruvian Ape
Two Israelis are behind a global campaign to rescue the last remaining yellow-tailed woolly monkeys of Peru, by allowing donors to purchase plots of land the monkeys inhabit.
January 02, 2017

Brightest ‘Supernova’ Was Actually A Star Crushed By A Black Hole, Israeli Scientists Reveal
The super-bright flash of light observed two years ago in the cosmos is in fact a rare event involving a star destroyed by a massive black hole.
December 20, 2016

Going Beef-Free Can Save The World From Environmental Catastrophe, Researchers Show
“If we changed our diet, we would change the environmental price we pay, with every meal," the Israeli scientists claim.
December 12, 2016

Rare Clay Figurine Found In Israel Is Bronze Age Ancestor Of Rodin’s ‘The Thinker’
The Israeli archaeologist who unearthed the 3,800-year-old ceramic statue in central Israel says nothing like it has ever been discovered.
November 24, 2016