Israeli Startup Totlol Offers A Kid-Safe Alternative To YouTube
Videos jump so easily from one to the next on YouTube, that you could start watching a kid-friendly video and go to something completely inappropriate in a few seconds. That's why Israeli startup Totlol has created a kid-friendly alternative to YouTube.
November 20, 2013

Why Did Apple Pay $345 Million For Primesense?
Israel continues to be a hotbed for high-tech exits, the latest being Apple's acquisition of motion-recognition company Primesense for $345 million. We consider the range of possible applications for Primesense's technology in Apple products.
November 18, 2013

Correlor: Unlocking People’s ‘Social DNA’ To Make Advertisement More Targeted
What's more annoying than ads, if not irrelevant ads? But if ads were customized for our tastes, would that make it more enjoyable? Correlor is trying to do just that, by analyzing your social network activity to create a "social profile" for you that allows more targeted advertisement.
November 18, 2013

Cool Israeli Gadget Solves The Problem Of Phone Stands In the Car
An Israeli couple has come up with a small solution to a big problem: mounting your phone in your car while driving. While many solutions exist, none are as elegant, simple and cool as Sticko, which surpassed its Kickstarter goal within a week.
November 13, 2013

London Science Museum Features 3-D Printed Statues Of Visitors Using Israeli Tech
Imagine walking into a museum and seeing a miniature statue of yourself as part of the display. Well, that's now a reality at the London Science Museum, which launched a 3D-printed exhibit featuring some of the museum's past visitors. The models were printed using Israeli 3D printing technology.
November 04, 2013

Israel Develops Technology Behind General Motors Smart Car
While there's no Israeli automotive industry, the future of driving may be being developed in the city of Herzliya, where General Motors has an R&D center. Much of the technology used for GM's EN-V comes out of the center, in conjunction a similar facility in Silicon Valley.
November 03, 2013

Top 10 Israeli Exits, Mergers & Acquisitions Of All Time
Think Google's acquisition of Israeli startup Waze is an exception in the Startup Nation? Think again. While the price was high and the acquiring company prestigious, Israel has been selling its best startups to international corporations for decades. We found of what are the top 10 Israeli exits of all time.
October 29, 2013

‘Hop’ Will Give Email Conversations A Better Flow On Your Smartphone
It's easy to understand why people prefer texting apps to email apps on their smartphones. Texting was made for cellphones, while emails were simply adapted. Now Israeli startup Hop has created an app that will let you enjoy the benefits of email, while maintaining the feel of texting.
October 25, 2013

Skycure Launches Mobile Hacker Detection Software
Many companies are shifting towards a "Bring Your Own Device" policy for employees. While saving the company the cost of buying its employees smartphones, the policy poses a potential security threat. Israeli company Skycure has just launched a solution in the form of protective software.
October 22, 2013

Viewbix Leverages Online Video Into An Effective Advertising Tool
If you're advertising through online videos, you'll know how hard it is to ensure viewers watch your clip until the end, let alone take action. Israeli startup Viewbix allows you to incorporate interactive buttons into videos to increase user engagement.
October 21, 2013

Twitter Is A Great Source For Real-Time Traffic Information, Study Says
Twitter citizens, your rambling tweets are serving a noble cause! A new study from Israel, Britain and Italy says that collecting information on Twitter related to transportation problems following large events - such as football matches - provides a goldfield of data.
October 20, 2013

Woojer Lets You Feel The Beat, Literally
No matter how loud you blast your music on your headphones, it will never feel the same as being in a club or watching a live show. That is, unless you have Woojer – the Israeli gizmo that lets you feel the sounds throughout your entire body.
October 16, 2013

10 Israeli Technologies That Are Changing The World
Israeli is known as the Startup Nation and over the years, has invented countless inventions that have literally changed the lives of millions. Although it's impossible to name them all, here are ten of the most revolutionary technologies developed by Israelis.
October 15, 2013

Analyze This: Facebook Acquires Mobile Analytics Startup Onavo For Up To $200M
Facebook finally plants a flag in Israel: Mobile analytics company Onavo has been acquired by the international social network giant for a reported $100-$200 million. As a result of the acquisition, Onavo will become Facebook's first office in Israel.
October 14, 2013

Carry Your Computer Desktop On A Simple USB Key With Keepod’s Free Operating System
Locating a file can be frustrating when you work with several computers. Israeli company Keepod, which created a computer the size of a credit card, now offers its OS for free, so you can have your PC on any USB drive.
October 13, 2013