TheName.Is ‘Video Business Cards’ Will Prepare You For Your Next Meeting
A good business meeting often happens when you can go beyond the professional to create a personal connection, so it's nice to go in knowing a little about the other person. TheName.Is is a social network for business people that offers a quick and easy video aggregation of your social feed.
August 09, 2013

Study: Video Games Are A Great Way To Rehabilitate Stroke Victims
Video game advocates will swear that nothing gives them more pleasure than beating a "boss round" or finishing a game. But as it turns out, consoles are not just for gamers. They are also an excellent tool to help rehabilitate people who suffered strokes.
August 08, 2013

Water Venture Offers Free, Clean And Cold Water To Tel Aviv Residents
Woosh is a public water fountain of a new kind: it offers pure, cold water for free and it even cleans bottles before filling them up. The people of Tel Aviv can now enjoy the service, which the company hopes will expand to other cities worldwide.
August 07, 2013

Lightapp Is Making Factories Energy-Efficient And Greener
Roughly half of the world's energy is consumed by the industrial sector. Israeli company Lightapp is helping companies manage their energy consumption efficiently and reduce their carbon footprints.
August 07, 2013

Will Israeli Tech Power Apple’s Eye Tracking Features?
With the new S4, Samsung has set a new standard for mobile devices' features. Eye recognition and touch-less control is the next big thing and Apple will not stay far behind – quite possibly with the help of Israeli startup uMoove.
August 06, 2013

Radio Waves Can Be Used To Measure Climate Change
While the sun is responsible for 60 to 70 percent of the world's temperature changes, the rest has to do with greenhouse gasses. An Israeli researcher has invented a novel way of measuring climate change – using radio waves.
August 05, 2013

A Heart Of Gold: Researchers Use Gold Particles To Heal Heart Tissue
Roughly half of heart attack victims die within five years of their first attack, mainly because the heart's tissue lacks the ability to heal itself. Now, Israeli scientists have made the first step towards restoring heart cells using gold fibers.
August 04, 2013

Put Away That Cellphone: Israeli Study Highlights Cancer Risk
Israeli researchers have found evidence that people spending a lot of time chatting on their mobile phones have much more cell mutations, which leads to a higher risk of cancer.
August 04, 2013

Ari Fruchter’s New Dead Sea Project: ‘The World’s Healthiest Gourmet Sea Salt That Will Also Promote Peace’
Ari Fruchter, the Israeli behind Spencer Tunick's 2011 mass nude Dead Sea photograph, is onto his next ambitious endeavor: A gourmet salt harvested from the Dead Sea, that will not only be healthy, but also promote peace.
August 02, 2013

Israel And India To Develop 5G Technology Together
While most smartphones rely on 3G and 4G technology for internet access, no country offers the next generation 5G network yet. A new agreement between India and Israel hopes to bring the advanced network to both countries.
August 01, 2013

Study: Breastfed Babies Are Less Likely To Develop ADHD
Many studies have said breastfeeding positively impacts on child development and health, including protection against illness. Now, researchers from Tel Aviv University have shown that breastfeeding also helps protect against ADHD.
July 31, 2013

Yadwire Aims To Put Free Wifi Everywhere By Giving Providers Targeted Ad Space
With the internet such an inherent part of our lives, it seems ludicrous for many airports, restaurants and other public places to charge exorbitant prices for wifi. Israeli company Yadwire wants to give you free wifi by adding ads to your browser.
July 30, 2013

BillGuard Launches iPhone App To Protect You From ‘Grey Charges’
We've all heard about it: someone who was paying a monthly fee for something they never signed up for, just because they didn't read the fine print. Israeli startup BillGuard's new iPhone app will monitor your credit account to protect you from such charges.
July 30, 2013

The Good Side Of Spying? Researchers Find Way To Detect Emergencies By Tracking Cellphones
While collecting private data online has been a big issue, Israeli researchers have found a way to track network usage in order to monitor disasters, by looking at how often certain users communicate, rather than monitoring the content of their conversations.
July 29, 2013

Will A Simple Blood Test Be Able To Predict A Person’s Suicidal Tendencies?
A potentially groundbreaking study was for the first time able to predict a person's suicidal tendencies with a simple blood test. The researchers found that suicidal patients have significantly higher platelet numbers than non-suicidal patients.
July 29, 2013