Guest Post

Intensity, Intuition, Reflection: Israeli Artist Shai Yehezkelli Opens Up About His Process
This article is a guest post on NoCamels and has been contributed by a third party. NoCamels assumes no responsibility for the content, including facts, visuals, and opinions presented by the author(s). Sarah Peguine and Michal Freedman are the founders of Art Source, a platform that provides exclusive access to discover and buy contemporary Israeli art […]
March 02, 2022

Cyber Insurance Explained With 6 Israeli Startups Disrupting The Industry
With a surge in cyber attacks this past year, cybersecurity protection has become one of the biggest growth markets in the insurance industry.
December 09, 2021

New Israeli Study Shows Effective And Eco-Friendly Way To Clean Soil
The study found that the metal-contaminated soil be purified faster if the plants are tricked into thinking they are being attacked or eaten.
October 11, 2021

How Did The Israeli Startup Ecosystem Evolve During COVID-19?
Israel experienced a less severe decline in its startup ecosystem than that by the EU and the United States in 2020.
October 05, 2021

These 8 Food Tech Startups Serve Up The Latest In Culinary Innovation
From an AI-based food trends platform to a robotic cocktail maker, these startups are using tech to solve the industry's food service issues.
September 05, 2021

Clean-Tech Nation: A Bird’s-Eye View On Israel’s Proposed Plastic Tax
Tato Bigio, founder of UBQ Materials, proposes a more holistic understanding of waste management, sustainability, and the circular economy.
August 10, 2021

The ABCs Of VCs: Confessions Of A Newcomer To Israeli Venture Capital
These are the 15 most common terms in the VC industry for early-stage and seed companies, according to a VC newcomer.
April 07, 2021

Top 3: How Israel, the UAE, and the UK Have Driven Vaccine Success
This guest post by the head of innovation at Israeli startup Air Doctor looks at the strategies behind the countries with the highest vaccine rates.
March 14, 2021

How Israel’s Startup Nation Ethos Propelled Its World-Leading Vaccination Drive
The speed of Israel's coronavirus vaccine program is directly connected to its emergence as a tech superpower, says OurCrowd's Jon Medved.
February 07, 2021

Safe Harbor: An Israeli Tech Investor Looks Back At 2020
Though lockdowns prevailed, the global tech sector proved to be a safe harbor for investors through the stock market turbulence this year.
December 29, 2020

The 5 Biggest Opportunities For Israeli Startups In The UAE Right Now
Israel's experience and innovative solutions in a number of key areas and industries could be of tremendous value to the UAE.
November 25, 2020

33 Creative Initiatives Taken By Israeli Companies During The Pandemic
Business restrictions often bog things down and create confusion and chaos, but for us Israelis, they spark innovation and creativity, says Efrat Fenigson.
May 14, 2020

Now, More Than Ever, Is The Time To Become Truly Human-Centric And Digital
The pandemic has shown us that there is a growing need for providers in all industries to accelerate digitization and agile working environments.
April 26, 2020

Analysis: A Trust Deficit In The Time Of Coronavirus Leads To A Lost Opportunity
The head of a major Israeli HMO recently rejected a $25 million deal with China's state-owned conglomerate BGI to supply equipment for 10,000 tests a day.
April 19, 2020

Robot vs Robot: Can AI Fight Fake News?
Up until now, most fake news and deep fake videos have been produced by humans. That is quickly changing, says Ryan E. Long, an adjunct professor of media law at Pepperdine Law School.
April 12, 2020