
Tel Aviv Is Home To Israel’s First Electric Bus
Public transportation in Israel just got greener. Israeli bus company Dan is launching the country's first electric bus, made by Chinese company BYD, which will be part of the city's 5 line, one of the busiest in the country.
August 12, 2013

Israeli Uses Ice Skating Concept And Dead Sea Salt To Create Air Con Empire
If you've been to the Dead Sea, you know just how hot it can get there. However, in that hot place there's a natural phenomenon that was the inspiration for Israeli company Advantix's energy-efficient air conditioning technology.
August 11, 2013

Water Venture Offers Free, Clean And Cold Water To Tel Aviv Residents
Woosh is a public water fountain of a new kind: it offers pure, cold water for free and it even cleans bottles before filling them up. The people of Tel Aviv can now enjoy the service, which the company hopes will expand to other cities worldwide.
August 07, 2013

Lightapp Is Making Factories Energy-Efficient And Greener
Roughly half of the world's energy is consumed by the industrial sector. Israeli company Lightapp is helping companies manage their energy consumption efficiently and reduce their carbon footprints.
August 07, 2013

Radio Waves Can Be Used To Measure Climate Change
While the sun is responsible for 60 to 70 percent of the world's temperature changes, the rest has to do with greenhouse gasses. An Israeli researcher has invented a novel way of measuring climate change – using radio waves.
August 05, 2013

Chinese-Israeli Electric Car Venture Partners With American Company
The dream of the Israeli electric car is not dead yet, despite Better Place's recent demise. Chinese-Israeli automotive company Qoros has recently partnered with American AAM and together, the two will have electric cars ready to ship by 2015.
July 25, 2013

Sol Chip Creates The Everlasting Solar Battery
Limitless power has long been a dream for mankind. But when it comes to technology, sometimes baby steps are needed before the giant leap. Israeli Sol Chip has made one such step with its rechargeable solar-powered battery.
July 22, 2013

Innovative Ear-Foam Treatment Used To Cure Tiger In Ramat Gan Safari
An Israeli company has invented a new method to treat ear infections. Instead of drops, the application is done with foam, so it doesn't drip out of the ear. The treatment was recently given to a fearsome patient – a full-grown Tiger!
July 09, 2013

Israeli Invention Will Cool Cyclists Off On A Hot Day
Technology and innovation are two things commonly associated with Israel. Now, two Israeli inventors have used the latter to deal with the former, with the world's first spray device for cyclists.
July 03, 2013

Agro Shelef: Replacing Chemical Pesticides With Natural Anti-Pest Vegetable Oils
An Israeli agro-tech company has come up with a novel solution to diminish the use of chemical pesticides on fruits and vegetables: Spray them with pest-fighting vegetable oils!
July 02, 2013

Israeli Inventor Seeks Crowdfunding To Put Cardboard Bike On The Streets
What began as a garage experiment might just be the future of bicycles. After sharing his vision with the world, cardboard bike inventor Izhar Gafni is now seeking $2 million in crowdfunding to make it a worldwide business.
June 26, 2013

Study: Beetle Doesn’t Need Males To Reproduce Or Decide Sex Of Offspring
No Males? No Problem! According to new research conducted on the palm weevil, a beetle which lives its entire life in the core of palm trees, the insect can reproduce asexually and decide the sex of its offspring.
June 25, 2013

Tel Aviv Testing Electric Scooters For Municipal Workers
In an attempt to reduce the city's ecological footprint, Tel Aviv's municipality is trying out 25 electric scooters. If the test is successful, the aim is to eventually replace the city's 300 scooter fleet.
June 23, 2013

Israeli Tech Brings Clean Water Solutions To China’s Cities
As clean drinking water is increasingly becoming a problem in large Chinese cities, Israeli company Blue I Water Technologies is introducing an innovative way to monitor residential water tanks.
June 19, 2013

An Extinct Frog Makes A Comeback in Israel’s Hula Valley
The first amphibian to have been officially declared extinct by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has been rediscovered in the north of Israel after some 60 years.
June 17, 2013