‘Almost Bulletproof’: Smartphone Case Offers Serious Protection From Hackers
Hardware solution physically blocks cybercriminals from accessing smartphone's camera, microphone GPS and more
July 12, 2022

Israel’s Hello Heart Raises $70M For Heart Management Solution
The Israeli startup developed an FDA-cleared blood pressure monitor and app that allows people to track blood pressure and more with AI tech.
May 08, 2022

Israeli MedTech Startup Healthy.io Offers Solution For Chronic Wound Care
The new solution offers digital wound assessment and management for clinicians via smartphone analysis.
January 30, 2020

Medtech Startup Healthy.io Raises $18M For Urine Test Kit Via Smartphone
Healthy.io developed a system to turn smartphones into sophisticated diagnostics devices capable of analyzing urine samples.
February 05, 2019

Israeli Technology Reinvents The Smartphone Camera
Despite advancing greatly over the years, smartphone cameras still do not produce the same image-quality as DSLR cameras. However, one Israeli startup is working to change that, with technology that may revolutionize the smartphone camera.
May 15, 2014

Israel’s Project RAY Creates Advanced Smartphone And Apps For The Blind
High-tech often works best when it's helping people with disabilities to enjoy the things other people take for granted. One example is Israeli Project RAY, whose smartphone for the blind now also has a bunch of specialized apps.
March 26, 2014

Israeli App Ensures You Have Cellphone Signal Everywhere
We've all been there: You have to make an important call, but you suddenly have poor cellphone signal. Israeli app Glove is designed to ensure you select the carrier that has the best coverage, wherever you are.
January 09, 2014

Israeli Startup Develops Wireless Mobile Chargers Using Infrared Light
While the technology of smartphones keeps becoming more advanced, charging technology is still lagging behind. Israeli startup Wi-Charge has created the technology to charge phones and other devices without a charger, using focused infrared light.
December 02, 2013

Cool Israeli Gadget Solves The Problem Of Phone Stands In the Car
An Israeli couple has come up with a small solution to a big problem: mounting your phone in your car while driving. While many solutions exist, none are as elegant, simple and cool as Sticko, which surpassed its Kickstarter goal within a week.
November 13, 2013

GeneG’s App Will Make Genetic Testing As Available As Text Messaging
It took eight years and $3 billion to map out the human genome. Now, an Israeli company is going to make your genome available to you wherever you go with a simple smartphone app. Will this app usher in a new era in medicine?
October 22, 2013

Skycure Launches Mobile Hacker Detection Software
Many companies are shifting towards a "Bring Your Own Device" policy for employees. While saving the company the cost of buying its employees smartphones, the policy poses a potential security threat. Israeli company Skycure has just launched a solution in the form of protective software.
October 22, 2013

LifeWatch: The Smartphone That Will Keep Track Of Your Health
Nowadays we have everything in our pockets. Our smartphone is a radio; TV; web browser; telephone and much more – so why not a doctor? LifeWatch has created an Android-based smartphone that monitors and examines your health.
September 15, 2013

VascoDe Is Giving ‘Dumb-Phones’ Smart Capabilities
While it may look like everyone has a smartphone these days, there are still literally billions of "dumb-phones" out there, especially in developing countries. Israeli VascoDe is now tapping into that market with its unique solution.
June 23, 2013

Dario Turns Diabetics’ Smartphones Into Trendy Glucometers
Diabetics have to constantly monitor their blood-sugar levels and carry measuring devices that, while functional, are not really attractive. Israeli-developed Dario is a smartphone attachment that does that and more – while maintaining a sleek exterior.
March 19, 2013

Netanyahu Launches Smartphone App For Obama Visit
Ahead of US President Barack Obama's visit to Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office has launched a smartphone app that will that will show a "behind the scenes" look into the much-awaited visit.
March 12, 2013