iOnRoad Uses Augmented Reality To Warn Drivers
iOnRoad uses augmented reality to alert drivers of dangers on the road. The app uses a phone’s camera and GPS to determine the speed and distance between the cars. It then calculates the time required to brake in case of emergency and translates that into warnings.
September 12, 2011
World’s First Global Center for Autism Research And Education
On September 5th, a group of 120 biomedical researchers, educators, clinicians and parent/advocates from Israel's Negev region met in Beersheva for a daylong conference about the latest advances in autism research and treatment in Israel and throughout the world.
September 12, 2011
Non-toxic Solution Keeps Bugs Out Of Food
If you've ever been disgusted by the sight of a winged creature flying out of a newly opened box of cereal or other packaged food, read on. Israel's Bio[pack] makes a package coating from plant extracts already programmed by nature to repel insects. It can also be sprayed around the perimeter of warehouses.
September 11, 2011
New Superconductor Fibers Carry 40 Times More Electricity
Borrowing a fiber of sapphire from the Oakridge National Lab in Tennessee, scientists at Tel Aviv University developed a superconducting wire barely thicker than a human hair that conducts 40 times the electricity of its copper brethren.
September 11, 2011
Researchers Identify Gene Causing Nearsightedness
A study conducted at the Ben-Gurion University in Israel has found the gene responsible for nearsightedness by studying a Bedouin tribe. The research will lead the way for future studies of the disability in larger populations as well.
September 10, 2011
Carpooling 2.0: Share Rides To Events Through Facebook
An Israeli start-up, called Ridefrog, offers a new perspective on carpooling, by integrating its feature with Facebook events, where people can see exactly who is going and how those people are connected to them.
September 07, 2011
Electric Bacteria Turn Wastewater Into Energy
An Israeli company has developed an innovative system to treat wastewater with the help of sewage-eating bacteria. Emefcy, producer of Israeli bio-energy systems, says its system minimizes the energy consumption for wastewater treatment.
September 07, 2011
To Be Healty, All You Have To Do Is Be Happy, Say Doctors
Two Israeli doctors have developed a system they say will keep their patients healthier their whole lives. And all they have to teach them is how to be happier. "It's really not much more complicated than that," say the doctors.
September 06, 2011
New Fish And Insects Introduced To Jordan River For Rehabilitation Project
The rehabilitation of the Jordan River in Israel will be starting next week. The project will include work along the entire length of the river that flows within the Israeli territory and will introduce new fish, plants, insects and animals to the river's ecosystem.
September 05, 2011
Israel Inst. Of Technology Creates Snake Robots
In a recently released Youtube clip, Israel's Institute of Technology displays of some of its new works: A robotic snake, a self-driving motorcycle, a wall-climbing robot and various other artificial intelligence demonstrations. 'Robots will integrate our daily lives in the next few years,' says researcher.
September 04, 2011
Can Magnetic Brain Stimulation Help Overcome Shell Shock?
Researchers from Israel have found an innovative treatment involving magnetic brain stimulation and memory exposure of traumatic experience to help those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
September 03, 2011
Children Heart Organization Holds Promise Of Peace For Palestinians And Israelis
Heart of the Matter, an Israeli program sponsored by the European Union, organizes hundreds of Palestinian children's journeys to Israel for heart surgeries. The program is an offshoot of Israeli organization Save a Child’s Heart which for the past 15 years has flown over more than 2,500 children from 43 countries where adequate cardiovascular care is unavailable.
September 02, 2011
Israeli City Sets Up First Bus Stop Libraries
Bus running late and you're looking for a way to pass the time? Now you can borrow a book at the bus stop and return it when you get off or even take it home with you. The Israeli city Kfar Saba has set up the first bus stop libraries.
September 01, 2011
A Dip In The Dead Sea Great For Diabetics, Study Shows
Researchers at the medical departments of Ben-Gurion University and the Soroka Medical Center in Israel found that a short dip in Dead Sea waters leads to a significant decrease in the levels of sugar in the blood and could improve the medical condition of diabetics.
August 31, 2011
WiseStamp: Creative Ways To Personalize Your Email Signatures
Do you ever think how many times per day people see your e-mail signature? E-mail signatures are like business cards and yet most of us still write our names and contact details manually or through our own limited e-mail service signature options. WiseStamp is a browser extension which lets you create original and personalized signatures.
August 28, 2011