Music Moguls Love Israeli App ‘Music Messenger’, The ‘WhatsApp’ Of Song Sharing
Nicki Minaj, Coldplay, Tiesto and Avicii are just some of music's biggest names that are betting their bucks on the success of this Israeli app 'Music Messenger'.
January 23, 2015

Israeli Sheet Music App Tonara Adds Interactive Score Synchronization To Help Musicians
Israeli startup Tonara, which offers smart sheet music for musicians, has recently introduced a major update. The company's new app will keep track of music for musicians and stage technicians, performing tasks such as turning music sheet automatically.
November 26, 2013

Woojer Lets You Feel The Beat, Literally
No matter how loud you blast your music on your headphones, it will never feel the same as being in a club or watching a live show. That is, unless you have Woojer – the Israeli gizmo that lets you feel the sounds throughout your entire body.
October 16, 2013

Teens Listening To Their Favorite Tunes While Driving Commit More Errors And Violations
Playing your favorite music while driving might not be such a great idea, according to one study. BGU researchers have found that teen drivers are more likely to make mistakes when listening to their favorite music while softer background music increases safety.
October 07, 2013

Israeli Startup iAlbums Acquires Loudlee To Launch Pinterest-Like Site For Music Lovers
After reaching over 40,000 music lovers with their app, which offers layers of information on any song, iAlbums acquired music pin-board Loudlee. The integration led to a new website that offers a Pinterest-like music streaming service for free.
February 21, 2013

iAlbums: Bringing The Old Ways Of Enjoying Music Into The Digital Age
The digital world has made extinct rituals such as unwrapping a music album, placing the CD in a tray, pressing the "play" button and listening to the music while flipping through the album's booklet. Israeli company iAlbums is trying to bring that experience into contemporary methods of music consumption.
October 15, 2012

Iranian-born Israeli Music Icon Rita Sings New Album In Persian
Israel's most popular female singer Rita has released an album in Persian, as a tribute to her country of origin - Iran. "I'm combining Hebrew and Persian so much together and I am showing that it is possible," she says.
July 05, 2012

Street Philharmonic Puts Street Musicians On Stage
Ze-Ze is an Israeli social organization that took interest in street musicians and decided to bring them together to play as a group with a steady income. The Israeli street philharmonic has already given two concerts, with participation of local musicians.
June 03, 2012

Orthodox Rapper Launches Music Aid Program In Belize
International rapper Shyne and Israeli music exporter Oleh! Records launch a pilot project to help children at risk in Belize. The project, called Let’s Fill This Town With Musicians, aims to provide these children with an alternative to violence.
March 28, 2012

New App Brings Album Sleeve Into the Digital Era
iAlbums is an iPhone app that aims to bring a little bit of that old school feeling of buying a record, a casette tape, or even CD. Developed in Israel, the app allows users to listen to music with the additional features of looking up lyrics and reading reviews and artist interviews
March 13, 2012

Will Israeli Web App Loudlee Become Music ‘Pinterest’?
Israeli web platform Loudlee is a social network for music lovers. It allows users to listen to music online, create playlists, share songs with friends - and view what their friends are listening to. Loudlee's design looks a lot like Pinterest's main page, with content featured by albums or artists.
March 05, 2012

Listen-App: Serendip Makes Everyone A DJ
The free music player Serendip allows its users to follow other users with similiar taste in music. The playlists it designs are based on music uploaded by millions of social network users in real time. “Serendip connects people who wouldn’t necessarily connect socially. Now they connect through music,” says company CEO.
January 21, 2012

Loud Music Will Damage Quarter Of Youth’s Hearing, Study Shows
According to a study conducted at Tel Aviv University, about a quarter of Israeli youth may develop hearing disorders due to prolonged exposure to music players and loud noise. 289 adolescents aged 13-17 participated in the study that examined the habits of music listening on MP3 players, mobile phones and computers.
January 01, 2012

Israeli-Palestinian Hip Hop Band Says ‘Mic Is stronger Than Gun’
Heartbeat: Jerusalem, an Israeli music organization, is bringing together Palestinian and Israeli high school students to create modern popular music. "We want to build trust between the people because the mic is more powerful than the gun."
December 25, 2011

Israeli Musician/Acrobat To Change The Face Of Live Music?
An Israeli musician and circus acrobat is trying to recreate the live concert by incorporating visual art into the music and showing the stories behind the music. According to Yuval Oz, music should not only be listened to, but also seen and felt.
July 18, 2011