Research: Doctors Should Be Trained To Talk About Death
Though the technical side of being a doctor is complex enough, many doctors admit that the hardest part of their jobs is talking to their patients about dying. A new Israeli-Canadian study suggests doctors should be specially trained for the task.
May 31, 2013

‘Blind As A Bat’ Is Surprisingly Inaccurate, As Researchers Determine The Mammals’ 3D Vision
Studies on the way the brain navigates on a plain have so far focused on two dimensions. Now researchers at the Weizmann Institute in Israel set out to get a better understanding of how the brain processes 3D environments – using fruit bats.
May 31, 2013

Israeli Company Takes The Art Of Stained Glass Into The 21st Century
Though decorated glass is nothing new, using state of the art printers to make intricate and durable designs on glass is. And that's exactly what Israeli company Dip-Tech does worldwide.
May 29, 2013

Israeli “Earthquake Proof Table” Becomes Permanent Exhibit At MoMA
Some 300 million children go to school in areas prone to earthquakes. An Israeli design student and his instructor have come up with a table designed to protect them. Their creation will be on permanent display at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
May 28, 2013

Will A $20M Solar Field Rekindle Israel’s Alternative Energy Market?
After seeing a decline in recent years, could solar energy be making a comeback? Israeli company Shikun Binui has commissioned a $20 million project from Chinese firm Suntech, to be built in the Israeli desert.
May 27, 2013

Minimally Invasive Treatment May Soon Be Possible For People With Mitral Regurgitation Disorder
Millions of people worldwide suffer from mitral regurgitation, a disorder of the heart in which the mitral valve does not close properly, which makes heart surgery a risky option. MitrAssist is working on a solution.
May 26, 2013

Researchers Identify Protein That May Be Key In Alzheimer’s Treatment
When it comes to neurodegenerative disease, much remains in the dark. However, step by step, science is getting closer the causes of these diseases and how to treat them. Another such step was made by Israeli researchers recently.
May 23, 2013

With $800K In The Bank, Emaze Want To Reinvent Presentation Design
Microsoft PowerPoint facilitates presentation design and startups like Prezi provide well-designed templates to help you communicate what matters. Now an Israeli startup called Emaze is trying a different take by offering a much simpler presentation template system.
May 22, 2013

Israeli Designer Uses Seaweed To Create Cool Lamps
What comes to mind when you hear the word seaweed? Some might think of a trip to the beach, others, of a good roll of sushi, but Israeli designer Nir Meiri has used it for something else entirely - and the result is unexpected.
May 22, 2013

Tel Aviv To Be The World’s First Digitalized City
After establishing itself as a startup hub second only to Silicon Valley, Tel Aviv has set its sights on a new goal. The ambitious project will take all municipal services online, offer free citywide wifi and an array of digital services.
May 21, 2013

Serial Entrepreneur Yaron Samid Talks About Spreading The Startup Wealth And His Latest Venture, BillGuard
How does one go from being an unemployed marketer to a serial entrepreneur and then CEO and founder of three successful startups? That’s the (several) million dollar question we ask Yaron Samid.
May 21, 2013

Researchers Use Bee Hormones As Pesticide
Despite their sting, bees are an important part of the food chain, due to their role as pollinators. For years, scientists have been trying to find pesticides that don't harm them. Israeli scientists now say the answer may be a hormone derived from the bees themselves.
May 20, 2013

Israeli Experts Called Upon To Help Preserve Galapagos Islands
The Galapagos Islands, an archipelago of volcanic islands off the coast of Ecuador, famously inspired Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Now, the same biodiversity that made the islands famous is at risk and Israeli experts have been called upon to help.
May 19, 2013

West Nile Virus Spreading May Be The Result Of Global Warming
Though the cause for global warming is still open to debate, its effects are not. Now, alongside troubling phenomena such as desertification and glacier-melting, it seems that it may also be the cause for the spreading of the West Nile virus.
May 18, 2013

Let’s Relax: Researchers Show Stress Leads To Increase In Autoimmune Diseases
When people experience prolonged periods of stress, the toll on the body is heavy. Ben-Gurion University researchers have shown that chronic stress increases the susceptibility to autoimmune disease.
May 16, 2013