All Hands: Touch-Free Is Fast Overtaking Touch-Screen
One of the major technological revolutions of the past few years has been the touch-screen. But it seems that trend may already be passé, with the touch-less technology becoming the real star. And it's all happening in Israel.
April 06, 2011

Israel, Third Nation On The Moon?
If all goes according to plan, by December 2012 a team of three young Israeli scientists will have landed a tiny spacecraft on the moon, explored the lunar surface, and transmitted live video back to earth, thereby scooping up a $20 million prize.
April 04, 2011

Israeli Neonatal Care Program Combats Child Mortality In Ghana
With nearly 25% infant mortality rate, Ghana asked help from Israel's Agency for International Development in 2007. Nearly five years later, 10,000 mothers and babies have gone through neonatal care in Israeli built clinics.
April 03, 2011

Israeli Tech Geeks Wage War Against Latest Spam Robots
When distributors of Viagra, porn and the like want to plant their advertisements over the net, they use automated scripts, or "spambots." Israeli company SiteBlackBox, specializes in detecting automated spambot processes in websites.
April 03, 2011

Israeli Company To Help Fight World Hunger By Creating ‘Bigger, Healthier Seeds’
In the fields of the Galilee in Israel, big and healthy seeds are grown which some claim could alter the world hunger crisis and shortage of fuel, no less. Kaiima, an Israeli agricultural start-up, is multiplying the genome of plants and making them bigger, stronger and more fertile.
April 02, 2011

American Football Brings Israelis And Palestinians Together
A championship game of the American football league in Israel again brings together people from opposites sides of political spectrum - this time in celebration
April 02, 2011

Frustrated Tourists: Your Phone Could Become Your Personal Translator!
A new service being developed in Haifa, Israel, called Lexifone, claims to solve the linguistics barrier between tourist and local. Simply put, you will be able to say the desired sentences to your phone, after which it will translate it to your interlocutor in his language.
March 29, 2011

“Do Touch”: World’s First Deaf-Blind Acting Group
Nalaga'at center, an unusual warehouse in Israel's old Jaffa Port, is the only place in the world where you can drink coffee served by deaf and blind waiters while waiting to see a show performed by the first deaf-blind acting ensemble in the world.
March 28, 2011

In Wake Of Japan Quake, Israelis & Jordanians Work Together
Although Jordan and Israel have long had their differences, the possibility of earthquakes in the Syrian-African Rift inspired a cooperation between the Arab and Jewish country.
March 28, 2011

Scientists Discover How Bacteria Communicate
Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have discovered a pathway whereby harmful bacteria communicate with each other
March 28, 2011

Japan Quake: Israel Develops Tool To Better Predict Earthquakes
Israeli geologists have unveiled a new tool that allows researchers to learn critical lessons for the future by understanding patterns of seismic activity in the past.
March 28, 2011

Big Brother? Microsoft Unveils Technology To Recognize Faces In Video
You’ve probably all become familiar with face recognition software like Picasa, Windows Live Photo Gallery or even on Facebook. Going one step further, Microsoft Israel unveiled OneVision, a technology that can track and identify anyone not just in photos, but in video.
March 21, 2011

Sterile Insects Help Israeli Farmers Go Green!
To stop using chemical pest-control substances, Israeli farmers have turned to the novel method of releasing masses of sterile insect species into their crops.
March 20, 2011

Robots Back Breakthrough Surgery
Many patients scheduled for a major spinal operation naturally worry that they might find themselves in a wheelchair due to a surgical error, or simple bad luck. While this happens only rarely, it is a possibility. SpineAssist – an Israeli invention – is revolutionizing delicate spinal surgery.
March 20, 2011

Pockets Of Socialist Communes Flourish In Israeli Cities
Various Israeli communes have decided that living an urban life does not preclude them from applying pure socialist beliefs and created what they call "urban kibbutzim" – families in large Israeli cities living under one roof and sharing all their earnings.
March 15, 2011