Can’t Quit? Smoking Less Will Also Improve Your Health
Many smokers find it hard or even impossible to quit. While the health risks of smoking are well-known, a new study from Tel Aviv University shows that people who reduce the number of cigarette they smoke, rather than quit altogether, can also improve their health.
December 02, 2012

FreezeStick: The Cool Invention By Israeli Kid Scientists
Six Israeli 14 year-olds have come up with a clever idea for storing cold products on the go. The FreezeStick is an efficient little contraption, that can keep things cool when ice packs have long melted.
November 30, 2012

Israeli Researcher Invents Replaceable Spinal Discs
An Israeli researcher may have found a solution that will revolutionize treatment for people with back problems caused by damaged spinal discs. Dr. Sarit Sivan has invented an injectable material that can repair damaged discs.
November 29, 2012

New Israeli Treatment Offers Hope For Cancer Patients
A common negative side-effect of some forms of cancer treatments is damage to the bone marrow, which could be lethal. A new treatment by Israeli company Pluristem just might be the solution to the deadly problem.
November 27, 2012

Weboolu: Be A Gamer Anywhere, On Any Screen
The smartphone revolution has forever changed the way we think of games. What was once the realm of gamers, spending hundreds of dollars on consoles, is now accessible to anyone with a smartphone. Now, Israeli company Weebolu is trying to take the revolution further.
November 27, 2012

Israel’s 1st President’s Century-Old Discovery May Fuel Future Cars
A century ago Jewish chemist Chaim Weizmann invented a method of producing acetone for explosives – helping the British with WWI efforts. Now, scientists at UC Berkeley have found a way to utilize the same formula in order to generate a greener version of diesel fuel made from plants.
November 26, 2012

Yellow Water Lily May Hold Key For Cancer Treatment
Floating on the Yarkon stream, which flows through Israel, is the yellow water lily. Hidden within the petals of this flower is a protein that can improve chemotherapy treatment for cancer, according to Israeli researchers at Ben Gurion University.
November 25, 2012

TAU Study Finds Simple Blood Test May Reveal Early-Stage Alzheimer’s
Detecting early- stage Alzheimer's disease may be as easy as a simple blood test, a new study at Tel Aviv University suggests. The scientists found that the test may be up to 90 percent accurate in predicting the disease.
November 24, 2012

Xsync: Utilizing QR Codes For File Sharing
Though mostly used by advertisers as a tool to direct people to a certain product's landing page using their smartphones, QR codes' complete potential might be more vast. Israeli company Xsync utilized the technology to enable users to share large files.
November 23, 2012

Plarium: The Israeli Gaming Giant That Is Big In Russia
All over the English speaking world, Zynga is synonymous with Facebook gaming. But in Eastern Europe and Russia, a different company is taking social gaming by storm – Israeli gaming giant Plarium.
November 21, 2012

Israeli Scientists Create Heart Pacemaker From Skin Cells
Scientists have grown fully functional heart muscles by reprogramming stem cells and skin cells from patients. They found that these reprogrammed cells can “reset” the rhythm of any unhealthy heart tissue that is placed around them.
November 20, 2012

BGU Researchers To Put Brains In Rescue Robots
Israeli researchers from Ben Gurion University are the only non-Americans to take part in DARPA's project of designing next-generation rescue robots. The Israeli team will be in charge of designing the software for the humanoid robot.
November 19, 2012

Wait, What? Eating Carbs At Night Could Benefit Obese People
A study conducted at the Hebrew University found that eating carbs at dinner, while avoiding them the rest of the day, is actually beneficial for obese and diabetic people. The idea came from studies on Muslims during Ramadan, when they fast during the day and eat high-carb meals at night.
November 19, 2012

Israeli Researchers Give Alzheimer’s To Flies To Understand Disease
Understanding Alzheimer's disease is a difficult task for researchers, as the disease can only be identified with an autopsy. Researchers at Tel Aviv University have developed a technique that studies the disease in the brain cells of fruit flies.
November 18, 2012

GreenRoad: The App That Uses Your Smartphone To Make Driving Safer
Israeli company GreenRoad, which spent the last decade creating sensors for vehicle fleets, has modified its technology to be used on any Android smartphone. The company says their app can help reduce gas consumption by 10 percent and traffic accidents by 50 percent.
November 15, 2012