
Green Peace: The Arab-Israeli Solution For Clean Energy
Four Arab-Israeli engineers are currently working on a solution that could revolutionize the way poor industrialized countries produce and consume energy. The company has recently won the EU's EUREKA grant and plans on making their unique solar technology operational within two years.
October 22, 2012

New Waze Feature Helps You Navigate Your Way To Clean Water
Popular navigation app Waze has introduced a new feature that tells users whether a lakes, or rivers they are trekking through are clean, to drink or to swim in. The developers hope that the app will encourage the Israeli government to further protect Israel's lakes, rivers and streams.
October 11, 2012

Israeli Company Will Harness Wave-Energy To Power India
New-wave energy: Israeli company SDE has signed an agreement to build a series of power plants along the coastline of India. The company uses technology that harnesses energy produced by ocean waves and converts it into electricity. The company was called upon in light (or in darkness) of the massive power failure that occurred last July in the Asian subcontinent.
October 05, 2012

Israeli Technology Behind Europe’s Largest Fish Farm
Due to its unique climate, Israeli fish farmers have developed sophisticated methods of farming, making sure that the fish are plentiful, no matter the climate. Now, the unique Israeli technology has been implemented in the largest fish farm in Europe, which started operating in Poland last week.
September 30, 2012

Israeli Largest Biogas Plant To Produce Electricity From Cow Manure
Using biogas made from cow manure is a known means of producing electricity. Last Monday, the largest such power plant was inaugurated in Be'er Tuvya. The plant will convert the waste of 14,000 cows and will generate enough electricity to power 6,000 homes.
September 19, 2012

Meteo-Logic Promises New-Generation Weather Forecasting
Meteo-Logic, an Israeli startup, is offering a new software solution that they believe will be the most accurate weather prediction service. Their technology turns existing weather stations into active forecasting points, by analyzing their historical data and turning it into the basis for weather predictions for the station’s specific area.
September 12, 2012

Octopus Camouflage Hints To Higher Intellect Than Expected
Researchers at Ben Gurion University have discovered that the the camouflage ability of some octopi may indicate that they are a much cleverer species than previously believed. The recent research has raised some interesting questions, such as: how can an octopus perfectly match its surroundings – even though it is color blind?
September 11, 2012

Israelis Brought In To Transform India’s Antiquated Cow Farms
Israeli kibbutz members have been called to India to help bring the country's ancient dairy industry into the 21st century. A key factor in designing the farms was remembering that in India - cows are holy.
September 10, 2012

Israeli Innovation Hopes To Make Water Drinkable In Africa
Researchers from Ben Gurion University have found a way to utilize solar energy at a fraction of the cost which can be custom-engineered for desalination process. The new innovation uses solar energy panels to power the pumps of a desalination unit that generates clean water for crops.
August 29, 2012

Israel Launches I-CORE For Advanced Biofuel Research
I-CORE is a new Israeli government initiative that encourages collaborative science projects in various fields. The initiative includes a project focused on finding a channel for synthesizing fuel from materials like wood chips and algae, and connects 27 researchers from different institutes in Israel.
August 28, 2012

Fueling The Future With Algae?
A new company from Tel Aviv called Univerve is working to turn algae, a natural substance, into third-generation renewable fuel. The company decided to focus on algae because they do not compete for food resources, land or potable water as do first- and second-generation biofuels such as sugarcane, corn or wood.
August 12, 2012

Better Toilets? Human Waste To Be Turned Into Compost
The Israeli company Paulee Cleantech will use a $110,000 grant from the Gates Foundation to boost a waste disposal system that needs neither electricity nor water. The system can turn human waste into compost, which can be used for farming.
August 02, 2012

Research Finds ‘Fool’s Gold’ Regulates World Oxygen Levels
New research from the Weizmann Institute In Israel suggests that sulfur plays a larger role than previously thought in regulating atmospheric oxygen levels. The research found that the formation of pyrites, which are part of the sulfur cycle, releases oxygen in ocean waters.
August 02, 2012

Israeli Team To Save Bluefin Tuna From Extinction?
An Israeli research team, in collaboration with European counterparts, is working to save the bluefin tuna from extinction, most often used in sushi rolls. The researchers have found a way to domesticate breeding of Bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean.
July 30, 2012

Israeli Scientists: Greywater Should Be Used In Households
Scientists from the Israel Institute of Technology and Ben-Gurion University show that greywater is in fact safe for household use. The Israeli researchers say that this water should be used for gardening.
July 26, 2012