By Rebeca Maia

Reporty App Live-Streams Emergency Situations From Your Smartphone To First Responders
In case of an emergency, Israeli app Reporty can provide rescue teams with the precise location and real-time information from your smartphone, including live video.
August 29, 2016

Serving Up A Balanced Meal: Could Israeli Startup ‘Plate My Meal’ Teach Iranian Kids Healthy Eating Habits?
Plate My Meal's five-piece plastic plate set offers a simple yet effective way to instill healthy eating habits from a young age - and prevent obesity.
August 16, 2016

Motionize’s Virtual Kayaking Coach Helps US Olympic Team Train For Rio Games
Israeli app Motionize is leading kayakers one step closer to victory with its innovative coaching technology.
August 02, 2016

Feeding The World: Could Israeli AgTech Startups End World Hunger?
In face of global food and water shortages, several innovative Israeli AgTech startups are working to meet the ever-growing demands of the world's expanding population.
July 14, 2016

This App Turns Your iPhone Into An Intelligent Dash Cam To Avoid Car Accidents
Avoid accidents and report on reckless drivers with the Nexar app that turns that turns your iphone into a smart dashcam.
July 11, 2016

Wearable Device Livia Promises To ‘Turn Off’ Menstrual Cramps, Alleviate Period Pain
Placed discreetly under your blouse, it's definitely not going to cramp your style! Period.
July 04, 2016

Israeli Company Ayala Purifies Greywater Using Plants
Ayala Water & Ecology's all-natural, on-site cleansing system is said to be cheaper and more environmentally friendly than traditional treatment facilities.
June 30, 2016

Taking The Uncertainty Out Of Breastfeeding: MomSense Measures Breast Milk Intake
While parents who bottle-feed their babies can measure exactly how much formula is given, nursing mothers never know how much breast milk their baby actually consumes.
June 23, 2016

Off The Beaten Track: Urban Navigation App Sidekix Bases Walking Routes On Your Interests
Finding your way around the city has just become a lot more fun with navigation app Sidekix, which leads you through the roads less traveled.
June 13, 2016