They squirt, spray and lather. Some even give lifesaving bursts of medicine. But truth be told, the aerosol spray container hasn’t changed much in the last 60 years, says Gadi Har-Shai, CEO of the Israeli startup GreenSpense.
Traditional aerosols are polluting and dangerous. So he invented a new alternative, the eco-sleeve, using nanotechnology. “This will definitely contribute to a better and safer world,” he tells ISRAEL21c.
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Instead of getting propelled by compressed air in a metal container, the product is air-forced from a sleeve that sits inside any kind of container, much the same way a bagpiper squeezes air from the bladder of the instrument through the pipes.
“Imagine a flexible bag inside the product. Over the bag we have mounted a special sleeve that presses the bag in order to push material out,” explains Har-Shair.
“The special elastic sleeve is based on nano-technology and it is very thin while generating high pressure. There is zero pressure on the external container and all the pressure is directed to the center. Now we can eliminate the traditional metal container,” says Har-Shai.
This solution is less costly than metal, and could eliminate the hundreds of thousands of tons of volatile organic compounds and carbon emissions coming from aerosol cans each year.
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Photos: GreenSpense
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