Israeli 3D Printing Firm Designs Fashion Forward Neck Brace For Wounded Soldier
A team at Israeli firm Stratasys created a 3D printed neck brace 'scarf' for Moran Barashi as part of the Restart's Makers for Heroes project.
December 07, 2021

Israeli Designer Wows International Audiences With 3D Printed Sustainable Garments, Shoes
Drawing inspiration from her time in Japan, Ganit Goldstein looks to reshape fashion through a collection that blends art and technology.
December 23, 2018

3D Printing Ready For Its Next Big Sprint – Metal
Israeli 3D-printing veterans from Objet are taking on the next maker challenge: printing metal in their new company Xjet.
November 09, 2015

World’s First Precision Medical Marijuana Inhaler Hopes To Remove Stigma Of Smoking The Green Stuff
Israeli startup Syqe has invented the world's first 3D-printed medical marijuana inhaler, giving doctors and patients much more control over dosage.
October 05, 2014

Israeli 3D Tech Behind The World’s First Drone For Extreme Sports Photography
One of the best parts about extreme sports is the chance to capture the adrenaline rush on camera and share it with friends. The AirDog, the world's first ever drone for extreme sports photography, is automatically following users and capturing aerial images like never before, powered by Israeli 3D printing technology.
July 02, 2014

Israeli 3D Printing Makes Life-Saving Blood Recycling Machine 96 Percent Cheaper
American-Israeli 3D printing giant Stratasys has partnered with British company Brightwake to make the production of a life-saving and religiously ethical blood recycling machine significantly cheaper.
May 07, 2014

How Israeli/American 3D Printing Technology Is Revolutionizing Dentistry
Israeli-American 3D printing giant Stratasys has focused on several markets with its technology, including dentistry, where the company offers an array of solutions for printing teeth in 3D!
March 04, 2014

3D Printing: How The Technology Brings Energy And Hope To The Third World
Much of the world's future will be shaped by 3D printers and at the forefront of that industry is Israeli-American company Stratasys. Several eco-friendly companies are using Stratasys' technology to 3D print energy sources for third-world countries.
February 28, 2014

These Awesome Shoes Were Printed Using The World’s First Color 3D-Printer
Israeli-American 3D printing giant Stratasys is pushing the bar ever further, now with the world's first color 3D printer. It can print everything from sunglasses to shoes in any color.
February 03, 2014

London Science Museum Features 3-D Printed Statues Of Visitors Using Israeli Tech
Imagine walking into a museum and seeing a miniature statue of yourself as part of the display. Well, that's now a reality at the London Science Museum, which launched a 3D-printed exhibit featuring some of the museum's past visitors. The models were printed using Israeli 3D printing technology.
November 04, 2013

10 Israeli Technologies That Are Changing The World
Israeli is known as the Startup Nation and over the years, has invented countless inventions that have literally changed the lives of millions. Although it's impossible to name them all, here are ten of the most revolutionary technologies developed by Israelis.
October 15, 2013

MakerBot’s Digitizer Will Make 3D Copying As Easy As Photocopying
Ever wished you could replicate a 3D object much like you would a document or picture? Well, now you can! Israeli-owned MakerBot has created a scanner that, combined with a 3D printer, can replicate 3D objects in your home.
October 05, 2013

Meet The Israeli Company That Wants To Put A 3D Printer In Every Home
Israeli-American company Stratasys is a world leader when it comes to commercial printing. Now, Something3D, an Israeli startup operated from a modest backyard shed, is planning to introduce the 3D printer into every home.
July 16, 2013

3D Printers’ Next Stop: Your Mouth
Getting fitted with braces is no picnic. Orthodontists need to take measurements, form molds of your teeth and have the orthodontic appliances especially made and shipped. That process is about to become a lot cheaper and efficient – thanks to 3D printing.
March 24, 2013

First 3D Printed Car To Hit The Roads In Two Years
More than a century ago, the automotive industry was the first to make use of the assembly line, kick-starting the industrial revolution. Now, Israeli company Stratasys is trying to launch another revolution, by using 3D printing to manufacture cars.
March 08, 2013