Tech Being Tested For Israel’s First Wave-Powered Energy Station
In July, Eco Wave Power‘s technology, known as floaters, was lowered to the water and tested for the first time. The next phases of the pilot include connecting to the grid, and testing the connection. Once connected, it will be the first time in Israel’s history that wave-powered energy has been transmitted to the national […]
August 07, 2022
Meet Seven Israeli Alternative-Energy Companies With Solutions To Fuel The Future
By 2050, one-third of the world's energy will need to come from renewable sources, like solar or wind. No, this isn't a statement made by environmental organizations, but by two of the world’s largest oil companies, British Petroleum and Shell. These seven Israeli companies are sure to make our futures brighter with alternative energy technology based on solar, wave, geothermal and waste sources.
July 07, 2014
Israeli Company Will Harness Wave-Energy To Power India
New-wave energy: Israeli company SDE has signed an agreement to build a series of power plants along the coastline of India. The company uses technology that harnesses energy produced by ocean waves and converts it into electricity. The company was called upon in light (or in darkness) of the massive power failure that occurred last July in the Asian subcontinent.
October 05, 2012