Study: Bonobos Use Sophisticated Tools To Get Food, Just Like Humans Did 2 Million Years Ago
Bonobos are capable of making sophisticated tools that they use to acquire and protect their food, much like early human beings!
August 03, 2015
Study: Want Smarter Children? Try Raising Them Bilingual!
Speaking two languages fluently is not only a great advantage when traveling and in the business world; a recent study from the University of Haifa shows that being bilingual also increases mental flexibility.
May 04, 2014
Study: People Who Treat Alzheimer’s Patients Should Have Creative Hobbies
Studies show that many people who serve as caretakers for family members suffering from Alzheimer's disease are prone to depression. A new Israeli study has found that the cure for such depression could come in the form of practicing art.
January 26, 2014
Twitter Is A Great Source For Real-Time Traffic Information, Study Says
Twitter citizens, your rambling tweets are serving a noble cause! A new study from Israel, Britain and Italy says that collecting information on Twitter related to transportation problems following large events - such as football matches - provides a goldfield of data.
October 20, 2013
A Female’s Level Of Stress Before She Even Conceives Affects Her Offspring’s Genes, Study Shows
A groundbreaking study shows that a female’s exposure to stress, even before she conceives, causes changes in the expression of a gene linked to the stress mechanism in the body of their children.
July 18, 2013
Israeli Chess Grandmaster Launches Initiative To Teach Chess In Schools
Israel is no stranger to chess: In the latest world championship, Israeli Grandmaster Boris Gelfand finished second. Now, Gelfand is partnering with the University of Haifa in a unique program that will study the game's effects on child brain development.
February 08, 2013
Haifa University Wants To Make Roofs Greener – Literally
Although green roofs, in which vegetation beds are planted on roofs, have been an ecological trend for eco-friendly architects for quite some time, a new research center, established at the University of Haifa is trying to develop green roofs that do not need artificial irrigation.
January 04, 2013
Employee With Supportive Boss Likely To Recover From Illness Faster
Employees with supportive bosses are less likely to take days off than those with difficult employers, a new study from Haifa University in Israel shows. When supervisor offers emotional and instrumental support, employees are more likely to recover without needing to take that extra afternoon or day off.
April 10, 2012