Tonara App – Music That Listens To You
A new iPad app aims to re-invent the veteran music-sheet by being the first interactive “musical kindle.” The Tonara app is the first interactive sheet music app that listens to people while they play music or sing.
December 04, 2011

Improved Virtual Shopper Right In Time For Holiday Sales
Instead of braving the 4 AM crowds in search of a bargain during the holiday season, the Israeli start-up Superfish has developed an improved virtual shopping technology to better the online shopping experience.
November 28, 2011

No More Cashiers In Supermarkets – Scan All Items With Your Phone
No more queuing in supermarkets? No more waiting for the cashier to scan every item in your shopping bag? That's what a new startup company says is in store for us if their product takes off. With ShelfX, all a customer has to do in order to purchase an item is use their mobile phone or a ShelfX Card to scan a product.
November 19, 2011

Trivia App To Keep Drivers Awake By Shouting Questions
Two Israelis have developed a mobile application designed to keep tired drivers awake by shouting trivia questions. The app, called Drivia, quizzes drivers about sports or music and sounds loud and frequent alerts if the driver responds too slowly, combining entertainment with safety.
November 14, 2011

Moblie App Acts As Eyes For Color Blind
Colorful, a new Windows phone application, says it can act as eyes for the color blind. The app enables users to distinguish colors using their phone's camera - using filters to change the color schemes and to fit the users color vision deficiency.
November 09, 2011

Israeli Gesture-Recognition To Be Incorporated In Androids
Korean phone maker Pantech is incorporating Israeli gesture recognition technology in its latest product release, suggesting movement control may be the next must-have smartphone feature.
November 02, 2011

Controlling An Avatar With Your Brain? Israeli Lab Is Trying
The Advanced Virtuality Lab at the IDC in Herzliya is developing the next generation of human-computer interfaces. BEAMING: Surround video conference, virtual and augmented reality and specialized robotics that will allow you to be in two place at once.
October 26, 2011

New ‘Pooper-Scooper’ Turns Dog Droppings Into Ash
Coming to pet shops in 2012: An Israeli pooper-scooper that turns droppings into harmless, odorless ash within seconds. The idea came from an Israeli who got fined for failing to pick up the droppings and decided to contact a Hebrew University professor for a better solution.
October 23, 2011

One App To Access Them All? Meet The Cross-App Search Engine
An Israeli startup is setting out to redefine the way we browse for information on our mobiles. Their app, Do@, functions as a search engine which gets its information from all other applications. That way, users can receive information without even having to download the actual apps.
October 19, 2011

Carry Your Computer In Your Wallet
Keepod is a new device the size of a credit card, which lets you take your computer data with you anywhere with a USB connection. The card is a combination of a secure storage device with an operating system and has the ability to carry your digital identity and day-to-day applications.
October 01, 2011

Israel Inst. Of Technology Creates Snake Robots
In a recently released Youtube clip, Israel's Institute of Technology displays of some of its new works: A robotic snake, a self-driving motorcycle, a wall-climbing robot and various other artificial intelligence demonstrations. 'Robots will integrate our daily lives in the next few years,' says researcher.
September 04, 2011

WiseStamp: Creative Ways To Personalize Your Email Signatures
Do you ever think how many times per day people see your e-mail signature? E-mail signatures are like business cards and yet most of us still write our names and contact details manually or through our own limited e-mail service signature options. WiseStamp is a browser extension which lets you create original and personalized signatures.
August 28, 2011

Google’s Israel Center Unveils Much-Awaited ‘Related’ Feature
Google Related is a new add-on that aims to change the browsing experience and make it easy to find related information and content. The basic service that Related provides is in Google’s good old fashioned search: search anything on Google.com, and in addition to the regular search results, the Related bottom toolbar will show images, videos and any other related content.
August 26, 2011

WhoIsLive Transforms The Web Into Giant Social Network
Ever wonder who is visiting a web page at the exact moment you are? Or perhaps who is browsing your website, or your photos on Facebook? Despite the advent of social media, browsing the web is still a very one-sided, individual practice. A new browser extension aims to change that. WhoIsLive lets you know who is browsing the same web pages you are and to connect with fellow navigators.
August 22, 2011

Technology To Protect Your Children From Dangerous Online Relationships
Building on the need for better protection of children on the internet, an Israeli company, Sensegon, has developed a technology called Kangaroo, to detect and protect young internet users from online relationships that are likely to take a dangerous turn.
August 07, 2011