Japan Quake: Israel Develops Tool To Better Predict Earthquakes
Israeli geologists have unveiled a new tool that allows researchers to learn critical lessons for the future by understanding patterns of seismic activity in the past.
March 28, 2011
Can Israel Become Oil Giant?
The implications for Israel of the West’s growing dependence on Middle Eastern oil are troubling for the country. Yet there are two new developments in Israel's energy sector that could well offset these trends and eventually alter its standing.
March 24, 2011
Big Brother? Microsoft Unveils Technology To Recognize Faces In Video
You’ve probably all become familiar with face recognition software like Picasa, Windows Live Photo Gallery or even on Facebook. Going one step further, Microsoft Israel unveiled OneVision, a technology that can track and identify anyone not just in photos, but in video.
March 21, 2011
Sterile Insects Help Israeli Farmers Go Green!
To stop using chemical pest-control substances, Israeli farmers have turned to the novel method of releasing masses of sterile insect species into their crops.
March 20, 2011
Robots Back Breakthrough Surgery
Many patients scheduled for a major spinal operation naturally worry that they might find themselves in a wheelchair due to a surgical error, or simple bad luck. While this happens only rarely, it is a possibility. SpineAssist – an Israeli invention – is revolutionizing delicate spinal surgery.
March 20, 2011
Pockets Of Socialist Communes Flourish In Israeli Cities
Various Israeli communes have decided that living an urban life does not preclude them from applying pure socialist beliefs and created what they call "urban kibbutzim" – families in large Israeli cities living under one roof and sharing all their earnings.
March 15, 2011
Study: Women With Eating Disorders Portray Themselves Differently In Drawings
Women suffering from anorexia or bulimia portray themselves very differently in drawings than those who do not have eating disorders.
March 14, 2011
Your Genes Could Tell You Exactly Which Foods To Eat To Stay Healthy
Scientists hope that in the near future it will be possible to perform a simple blood test to analyze a person's genes and based on the results, advise them on what foods they should and shouldn’t eat in order to prevent diseases they are inclined to develop.
March 13, 2011
Discarded Tires To Literally ‘Pave The Road’ In Green Project
A new "green" project in Israel intends to recycle the rubber from old tires, and use as many as 1,400 tires per kilometer of new paved highway. In a pilot trial, a 1.1 kilometer section of road was paved using an experimental mixture that included hundreds of recycled tires and a blend of asphalt.
March 13, 2011
Israeli And Palestinian “Technology Geeks” Join Forces At Competition
Israeli and Palestinian geeks joined forces to build web and mobile applications in only 54 hours at Start-Up Weekend. 125 entrepreneurs, developers, designers and investors gathered recently to create 10 different applications with commercial viability.
March 12, 2011
What’s the word I’m Looking for?
“What’s the word I’m looking for?” One of the most common phrases and an especially annoying one if you're still scratching your brain for that missing word hours later. Encountering this problem themselves, two Israelis have developed PhraseUp – a website that aims to find your word.
March 09, 2011
Israeli Architect Plans Green Paradise In China
Israeli-born architect Moshe Safdie is famous for his “Habitat 67″ design. His most recent commission – a pixelated residential complex – will be built in Qinhuangdao, China and will include a host of friendly green design components.
March 08, 2011
Israeli VC Funds Zoom In On Clean Technologies
Specialized Israeli VC funds start to invest in clean technology, a market niche that is gaining traction in Israel's established technology sector.
March 07, 2011
‘Life-Saving’ iPhone App Created By Person Who Drove By Brother’s Crash
A space engineer who drove by a car crash not knowing his own brother was the victim has developed an iPhone application that automatically sends an email with your coordinates to a loved one in a case of an accident.
March 07, 2011
Miniature Surveillance Radar Developed
Israel's Mantissa Ltd. says it has developed and successfully demonstrated a miniature radar/surveillance system the size of a personal camera.
March 07, 2011