CannaTech Postpones Its Annual Medical Cannabis Confab Due To Coronavirus
The annual conference focusing on the medical cannabis industry in Israel and abroad have postponed the annual event based on recommendations from the Israeli Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
March 04, 2020

Meet The Israeli Company That Wants To Top Your Pizza, Iced Coffee, And Popcorn With Cannabis
Cannibble has created 100 CBD-infused dry instant-mix powders that the consumer can use to make drinks, shakes, toppings, spices, and desserts.
August 12, 2019

Blue, White, And Green? How Israel Is Leading The Global Cannabis Revolution
In this guest post, iCan founder Saul Kaye looks at the Israeli cannabis industry and its impact on a global scale.
July 25, 2019