Better Juice: Israeli Food Tech Startup Cuts The Sugar For Healthier Fruit Drinks
Founded in 2017, the Israeli startup Better Juice developed an innovative process that reduces sugar in fruit juice by up to 80 percent.
April 08, 2019
6 Israeli Companies At The Forefront Of Diabetes Care, Prevention, And Treatment
To mark World Diabetes Day, NoCamels looks at some of Israel’s most innovative diabetes-related technologies, from insulin injection replacements to blood glucose meters and tissue engineering.
November 14, 2018
World Health Day: Israel Ranked 9th Healthiest Country
After a recent study showed Israel is one of the happiest nations, a new study affirms it is one of the healthiest.
April 06, 2017
The Upside Of Suburbia: Green Spaces Found To Significantly Increase Child’s Birth Weight
Mothers who live near green spaces deliver babies with significantly higher birth weights, according to a new study by Ben Gurion University.
August 25, 2014
MobileOCT: The Incredible Social Startup That Uses Mobile Phones To Detect Cervical Cancer In Third-World Women
Over five billion people have access to a mobile phone, but not a physician. This statement is particularly true in the developing world, which is why Israeli company MobileOCT has created a mobile- phone attachment that can screen for cancer.
July 22, 2014
Israeli And American Researchers’ Findings Could Make Kidney Transplants A Thing of the Past
Kidneys were long believed to be static organs that don't change, but now Israeli and American researchers have discovered that parts of the kidney can actually regenerate themselves, making the team of researchers hopeful that kidney transplants may soon be a thing of the past.
July 06, 2014
Meet The 6 Israeli Startups On ‘Forbes’ Top 10 Health Tech Changing The World
"Forbes" recently named the ten health tech companies it believes are saving lives with innovation, and a remarkable six were Israeli. Find out which Israeli companies made the list here!
June 10, 2014
LifeWatch: The Smartphone That Will Keep Track Of Your Health
Nowadays we have everything in our pockets. Our smartphone is a radio; TV; web browser; telephone and much more – so why not a doctor? LifeWatch has created an Android-based smartphone that monitors and examines your health.
September 15, 2013
Research Finds Female Doctors More Tolerant Than Male Counterparts
A Researcher at Bar Ilan University has concluded that female doctors show more tolerance towards patients than male doctors, who are less patient. The study also identifies many other variables that influence the way certain doctors handle conflicts with patients.
September 09, 2012
Haifa University Wins International Praise For Online Medical System
A new Haifa University, Israel, project, defeated 60 other international proposals and won a $6 million funding for the establishment of an integration system that will provide patients and doctors on-time and online information about their medical status through mobile phones and computers.
December 16, 2011
New Test To Detect Food Contamination Within Minutes
In the United States alone, about 48 million people get sick from contaminated food each year. The common method of testing food and beverages for harmful bacteria with the use of petri plates is cumbersome and can take up to several days. An Israeli company claims to be able to reduce this waiting time from days to a mere five minutes.
November 17, 2011
Increase In Water Consumption Helps Overweight Children Lose Weight
An Israeli research conducted among overweight Israeli children shows a direct connection between drinking water and weight loss. According to the study, the smallest increase in water consumption can change a child's metabolic rate.
October 30, 2011
New Technology To Spell The End Of Facial Hair
The new ultrasound technology developed in Israel gives deprived light haired the opportunity to get rid of facial hair. A revolutionary new form of hair removal technology developed in Israel, called Applisonix, now means blondes can also be permanently hair-free.
October 24, 2011
Vanity Best Tool In Fight Against Skin Cancer
A new Research from the Ben-Gurion University in Israel shows that compulsive tanners are more likely to protect themselves from the sun if told about its aging effects, such as getting wrinkles, than if told about skin cancer.
October 12, 2011
Sense Of Smell Is Physiological, Not Psychological, Study Shows
Israeli Researchers discovered that the sense of smell, just like our other senses, has a distinct organizational principle. The meaning: experience of odors is linked to our physiology and not only individual preference.
October 10, 2011