Controlling An Avatar With Your Brain? Israeli Lab Is Trying
The Advanced Virtuality Lab at the IDC in Herzliya is developing the next generation of human-computer interfaces. BEAMING: Surround video conference, virtual and augmented reality and specialized robotics that will allow you to be in two place at once.
October 26, 2011

New Technology To Spell The End Of Facial Hair
The new ultrasound technology developed in Israel gives deprived light haired the opportunity to get rid of facial hair. A revolutionary new form of hair removal technology developed in Israel, called Applisonix, now means blondes can also be permanently hair-free.
October 24, 2011

Israeli Wastewater Treatment Firm Wins Int’l Recognition
Caesarea-based wastewater treatment company Emefcy was named Early Stage Company of the Year and selected to the Global Cleantech 100 list for the second year in a row at the Global Cleantech 100 Summit and Gala held in Washington, DC, on Monday and Tuesday, the company announced at the conference’s conclusion.
October 22, 2011

One App To Access Them All? Meet The Cross-App Search Engine
An Israeli startup is setting out to redefine the way we browse for information on our mobiles. Their app, Do@, functions as a search engine which gets its information from all other applications. That way, users can receive information without even having to download the actual apps.
October 19, 2011

Women With Well-Managed Diabetes Do Not Increase Risk For Their Babies
A recent Israeli study confirmed that women with well-managed diabetes are not at an increased risk of giving birth to infants with RDS (respiratory distress syndrome), preterm infants, and infants with very low birth weight.
October 17, 2011

Israeli Duo Working To Put Together Holocaust-Era Theater Online
Two Israelis are leading the way on a new project that is aiming to track down and digitize content on theater and other performing arts created by Jews during the Nazi era or otherwise related to the Holocaust.
October 15, 2011

Vanity Best Tool In Fight Against Skin Cancer
A new Research from the Ben-Gurion University in Israel shows that compulsive tanners are more likely to protect themselves from the sun if told about its aging effects, such as getting wrinkles, than if told about skin cancer.
October 12, 2011

New Youtube Feature Automatically Edits Any Raw Videos
Magisto, a new Israeli automated editing tool now featured on YouTube will enable users to upload raw videos which will be turned into a final, refined movie. Magisto analyzes the video, assesses which parts are most "interesting" and edits it into a “best of” type of video.
October 11, 2011

Sense Of Smell Is Physiological, Not Psychological, Study Shows
Israeli Researchers discovered that the sense of smell, just like our other senses, has a distinct organizational principle. The meaning: experience of odors is linked to our physiology and not only individual preference.
October 10, 2011

Haifa Museum Creates Personalized Routes Based On Visitor’s Profile
Noticing that a lot of people leave museums feeling overwhelmed by the mass of information, an Israeli artists decided to make it easier for people at the art museum in Haifa to find the art they most want to see. Artist Maya Shimony created a personality questionnaire that helps visitors find a personal museum route.
October 09, 2011

iPhone App Aims To Become Foursquare For Parents And Babies
An new iPhone app called Yellowbrck is trying to become the Foursquare for parents looking for fun activities with their children. Just like Foursquare, YellowBrck comes complete with check-ins and badges – but the best part is that parents can actually earn coupons and reductions at stores.
October 08, 2011

Researchers Close To Cure For Juvenile Diabetes?
There is hope for a future cure of insulin-dependent (type 1) diabetes from Jerusalem researchers who have identified the key signal that initiates production of insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. They call their discovery a breakthrough that could help restore or increase beta cell function in people with this type of diabetes.
October 08, 2011

Green 2000 Teaches Agricultural Techniques To Nigeria, Sudan
An Israeli company is helping African countries become self-sufficient by teaching them agricultural techniques they say can significantly increase food production. Africa is a very rich continent with extremely poor people and we want to help change it by developing the rural areas," Green 2000 told NoCamels.
October 06, 2011

Marijuana Prevents Post-Traumatic Symptoms, Study Shows
A new research held at the University of Haifa, found that using cannabis at a certain time-frame after a traumatic event can prevent the development of post-traumatic symptoms. This research tested cannabis on the brain reactions of rats.
October 05, 2011

Can You Hurt Someone With Your Blood Running Through Their Veins?
Blood Relations is a new joint Palestinian-Israeli project that sees people on both sides donate blood to be shared between each other's hospitals.The message the organization is hoping to convey is reflected in their logo: 'Will you hurt someone who has your blood running through their veins?'
October 04, 2011