Flight Simulation Technology Helps Doctors Prepare For Brain Surgery
Simulation technology intended for use by fighter pilots has been converted to assist in brain surgery. Surgeons can now use the Israeli-American Surgical Theater technology to prepare for tricky brain procedures.
December 25, 2012

BEEMTech Energy: ‘Making Dumb Buildings Smart’
Commercial buildings around the world are looking to reduce energy costs, but overhauling electricity systems can be expensive. That is why Israeli startup BEEMTech came up with a way to save energy without changing the existing infrastructure.
December 25, 2012

Study: Cannabis May Relieve Parkinson’s Related Pain
More than half of people suffering from Parkinson's disease experience random pains. A recent Israeli study, focusing on the patients' genetic information, has shown that this pain might be treated by using cannabis.
December 22, 2012

‘SayWhat’ Helps You Find Out What A Caller Wants Before You Pick Up
If you thought the mobile communications mix was rich enough already – think again. An Israeli app developer reckons there’s room for one more way to exchange messages, which combines the urgency of a voice with the convenience of text.
December 20, 2012

24me: Personal Assistant App Helps You Get Things Done
Did you ever wish for a personal assistant? Someone who would make your life's seemingly endless to-do's more manageable? 24me is an application that helps organize and manage your many chores, including paying bills from within the app and assigning tasks to other people.
December 18, 2012

Sync.ME: Know Everything About Anyone Who Phones You
Despite advances made on smartphone's contact lists, with so many social networks, people have many more than just one contact list. Israeli startup Sync.ME offers users a phonebook that not only synchs up with social networks, but also displays callers' information.
December 15, 2012

Researchers Find Another Healthy Use For Fish Oil: Pain Relief
Fish oil is commonly used as a nutritional supplement, for its high levels of Omega 3 and antioxidants. Now, Israeli researchers have found another healthy perk of fish oil – pain relief for people suffering from bedsores.
December 13, 2012

Krembo Wings: A Youth Movement Led By Children For Disabled Children
What started as a 16-year-old Israeli girl's attempt to find her disabled friend a social outlet, quickly became "Krembo Wings" - the first youth movement in Israel for kids with special needs kids The organization now includes 19 branches.
December 12, 2012

Israeli Researcher’s Discovery May Pave Way For Malaria Vaccine
Malaria is a deadly disease which kills over a million people worldwide every year. The high death toll is due to the fact that some strains are able to hide their activity from the human immune system. A new discovery at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, however, may be key in defeating this elusive killer.
December 11, 2012

Your Body Reveals How You Feel Better Than Your Face
Are facial expressions the best way to determine a person's emotional state? A new study conducted at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem shows that in cases of extreme emotions, it is body language, and not facial expression, that truly reveals how a person is feeling.
December 10, 2012

BT9 Keeps Perishable Produce From Perishing In Transport
Shipping perishable produce is no easy task, and often, items are spoiled. New Israeli company BT9 is an end-to-end cold chain management solutions provider that gives its customers, the producers of perishables, the information they need to better protect their products during transportation.
December 06, 2012

Israeli Solar Entrepreneur Aims To Bring Light To Africa
Yosef Abramowitz has spent years promoting solar power plants in Israel, whilst also promoting a social agenda. Now, Abramowitz is working towards bringing solar electricity to remote African villages.
December 05, 2012

Israeli Researchers Track Post-Traumatic Stress In The Brain
First responders like emergency medical technicians, police officers and firefighters are at high risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). They are often faced with disaster scenes the rest of us only watch in Hollywood movies.
December 04, 2012

BannerPlay: Making Banner Ads As Simple As Google AdWords
Successfully advertising on the internet is not an easy feat for small and medium businesses with limited budgets. Israeli company BannerPlay is now offering professional banner ads, using a pay-per-click business model.
December 03, 2012

KidsCash: Online Money-Management for Kids
Israeli startup KidsCash is trying to teach monetary responsibility to kids in a fun and understandable way. The KidsCash website allows children to spend, save and donate a designated amount of money while also learning the fundamentals of money management.
December 03, 2012