If you thought the mobile communications mix was rich enough already – with voice, text, IM, social networking and so on – think again. An Israeli app developer reckons there’s room for one more way to exchange messages, which combines the urgency of a voice with the convenience of text.
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SayWhat is an Android app (free to download from Google Play) that lets you respond to an incoming voice call by sending a text message or emoticon/symbol, instead of answering the call. It also includes a “can you talk” button that pings your contact to check whether they are free for a call before dialing their number – so you know whether or not to make the call in the first place.
The broad-brush idea here is that you don’t always have time to answer a call – but you don’t necessarily want to flat-out reject the call since doing that is not necessarily a nuanced enough response for today’s hyper sophisticated mobile communicators.
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zykzc8ESIcU’]
Text missives can be chosen from a list of stock phrases such as “Hi, what’s up?” or “Getting back you”, which are pigeon-holed into basic categories like “work”, “pleasure”, “casual” and “love” for quick reference. You can also compose your own missives in real-time within the app so you can respond in more detail. The point, in the app maker’s words, is to establish “the agenda of the call” before you start doing any actual talking.
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Via TechCrunch
Photo by SayWhat
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