Israeli Makes Breakthrough Discovery In Liver Disease Treatment
One of the deadliest symptoms of liver disease is cirrhosis, a condition which causes scar tissue to form on the liver . Now, an Israeli researcher has found a cell in the immune system which is a key factor in battling the life-threatening condition.
April 09, 2013

‘Big Data’ A Little Less Big, Thanks To Israel’s SiSense
"Big Data" and "Cloud" are more than just high-tech buzzwords, they are the reality for companies everywhere who need to extract valuable information about their customers from copious amounts of data. Israeli SiSense has the know-how to do just that.
April 08, 2013

Israeli Team Heads Research Into ‘Electronic Nose’ To Sniff Out Cancer
An international study headed by Israeli researchers, may put an end to the invasive procedure involved in detecting stomach cancer. It is quite possible that in the near future, a device that can "smell" cancer on a person's breath will replace gastroscopy.
April 08, 2013

Family Photo Sharing Made Easy With Familio
When you post a photo of your kids on Facebook, more often than not, it will be viewed by people other than your family members, who might not catch it on their newsfeed at all. Israeli startup Famil.io is trying a different approach.
April 07, 2013

Storyboard: Revolutionizing The Digital Press Kit?
When a brand wants to give out information the common tool is a selection of photos and written materials called a press kit. Israeli Storyboard claims that these haven't changed since the 80's and suggests an impressive alternative.
April 05, 2013

Israeli Herbs Found Useful In Treating Infection
The use of medicinal herbs may be as ancient as humanity itself, but such treatments are often considered no more than "voodoo." However, a recent EU-funded research in Israel has proven that some plants are, in fact, as effective as Western medicine.
April 03, 2013

PeaceTube: Using Video Chat To Promote Conflict Resolution
Two young Israeli entrepreneurs have set an ambitious goal for themselves – promoting world peace. Using a video chat platform on Facebook, their system matches people from conflicting backgrounds to interact and find common grounds.
April 03, 2013

A Lollipop To Help You Lose Weight!
Say goodbye to pills and hello to fortified confectionery. An Israeli company has developed candies with health benefits. The innovative lollipops, wafers and toffees are formulated to help shed pounds, boost the immune system and promote bone health.
March 31, 2013

Yevvo: Will Micro-Broadcasting Overthrow Twitter’s Micro-Blogging?
Twitter users have grown accustomed to short, real-time text updates. Now, Israeli startup Yevvo is trying to convert that principle into video-blogging, by offering short HD broadcasting that can only be viewed live.
March 28, 2013

Researchers Find Way To ‘Reactivate’ Blind Eyes
While we are still far from building bionic eyes, a recent study done in Israel has developed a way of restoring retinas damaged by neurodegenerative disease using genetic engineering and holographic projection.
March 27, 2013

TapMyBiz Hopes To Revolutionize The Business Card Game With NFC Technology
People in the business world know the frustrating feeling of coming back from a conference with so many business cards – they can't remember which is from whom. Israeli TapMyBiz is trying to change the way we use business cards by adding NFC technology into the mix.
March 26, 2013

SmarTap: The Shower That Saves Time, Money And Energy
Since the invention of the water heater, showers have been operating pretty much the same way, allowing limited control over temperature and flow. Israeli company SmarTap just might be the one to revolutionize the industry.
March 24, 2013

3D Printers’ Next Stop: Your Mouth
Getting fitted with braces is no picnic. Orthodontists need to take measurements, form molds of your teeth and have the orthodontic appliances especially made and shipped. That process is about to become a lot cheaper and efficient – thanks to 3D printing.
March 24, 2013

Researchers Find Clear Genetic Link Between Fat And Bone Conditions
The euphemism "You're not fat, you're just big boned" may have more to it than harmless banter. Researchers at Tel Aviv University have uncovered a clear genetic link between fat and bone mass, which often serves as an indicator of overall health.
March 21, 2013

Netanyahu’s Gift To Obama: Nanotechnology Mounted On Archeology
At some point during US President Barack Obama's current visit to Israel, the American president will be presented with a 2,000 year-old stone on which the Declarations of Independence of the United States of America and the State of Israel will be etched side-by-side on a silicon chip.
March 21, 2013