Will Tesla’s Driverless Car Be Powered By Israel’s Mobileye Technology?
Premium electric car manufacturer Tesla is reportedly using Israeli company Mobileye's technology to launch driverless cars within a decade. Mobileye's system can identify the proximity of other vehicles, as well as other possible collision triggers.
April 23, 2014
Teens Listening To Their Favorite Tunes While Driving Commit More Errors And Violations
Playing your favorite music while driving might not be such a great idea, according to one study. BGU researchers have found that teen drivers are more likely to make mistakes when listening to their favorite music while softer background music increases safety.
October 07, 2013
AutoTalks Will Put Car To Car Communication On The Road By 2015
Human error is still the primary cause of traffic accidents. Israeli company AutoTalks is therefore enabling cars to "talk" to each other and warn drivers of potential accidents. The company envisions that by 2015 the first cars manufactured with these talking chipsets will be on the market.
June 13, 2013
Become A Safe ‘Super Driver’ With iOnRoad App
An Israeli tech veteran came up with a “treatment” for what in 2010 was the 10th-leading cause of death in the United States – road accident fatalities. Drivers who use his iOnRoad app become “super drivers” who are much more likely to get home alive, the CEO says.
May 02, 2012
Trivia App To Keep Drivers Awake By Shouting Questions
Two Israelis have developed a mobile application designed to keep tired drivers awake by shouting trivia questions. The app, called Drivia, quizzes drivers about sports or music and sounds loud and frequent alerts if the driver responds too slowly, combining entertainment with safety.
November 14, 2011
iOnRoad Uses Augmented Reality To Warn Drivers
iOnRoad uses augmented reality to alert drivers of dangers on the road. The app uses a phone’s camera and GPS to determine the speed and distance between the cars. It then calculates the time required to brake in case of emergency and translates that into warnings.
September 12, 2011
Israeli Start-Up Uses iPhone To Report Dangerous Drivers
Thanks to Israeli cell phone application developer Zemingo, dangerous drivers are now getting their just desserts. Drivers who install the Traffic Observer app on their iPhones will be able to record and report offensive road behavior
February 15, 2011