
Study: Geological Clock Ticks Faster Than We Thought
According to a new study from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Earth took shape more rapidly than once believed. The new findings do not alter the age of the universe but indicate that the Earth's mantel and crust and rocks formed in a shorter period than originally thought.
May 05, 2012

Israeli Companies To Clean India’s Ganges River
Indian engineers and researchers are seeking Israeli water technologies in a large scale endeavor to clean the Ganges River, which is considered holy in Hinduism. Indian representatives are expected to visit Israel to learn about local purification technologies.
April 24, 2012

Israeli Technology Allows Growing Fish In The Desert
Israeli company Grow Fish Anywhere (GFA), offers a solution to overfishing and pollution caused by fish farming. Their technology allows farmers to grow fish anywhere, even in extreme environments like the desert or urban areas.
April 22, 2012

Israeli Company To Produce Resistant Cotton Strains
Israeli Rosetta Green has signed a deal with the Bayer CropScience AG, a company that specializes in the production and commercialization of seeds. According to the agreement, Rosetta Green will produce hardier seeds that grow high-quality cotton in harsh environmental conditions, such as drought.
April 14, 2012

Cleantech Co Produces Low-Cost Electricity From Waves
Israeli company SDE utilizes the motion of sea waves to produce low cost electricity. It was lately ranked by international scientists as the world’s number one developer of Sea Wave Energy Technologies. The system takes advantage of the wave's speed, height, depth, rise and fall - and the flow beneath the approaching wave to produce energy.
April 08, 2012

New Kit Instantly Monitors Air Pollution At Crisis Scenes
AirBase Systems, an Israel-based environmental technology startup, deployed a new mobile, wireless air quality measurement kit that can transmit data to an Internet collection base. The kit is designed primarily for city use but can potentially be suitable for purchase by environmental NGOs or even individuals.
April 07, 2012

Agricultural Nets Ensure That Insects Don’t ‘Bug’ Produce
Israeli company Meteor develops anti-virus agricultural nets that ensure that bugs stay out of the lettuce patch and off the tomato vine. This technology enables farmers to save billions each year, reducing the number of insects that are able to get through by nearly 100 percent.
April 04, 2012

Israeli ‘Greenbo’ Wins 2012 Red Dot Design Award
Greenbo, an Israeli company that designs products for growing plants in urban environments, received the 2012 red dot design award in the Product Design category. Winning products were selected based on their level of innovation, functionality and environmental compatibility.
April 02, 2012

Energy-Producing Roads: Power Up Cities As You Drive
A technology that converts vibrations and stress from passing vehicles into energy can turn our highways into power generators. A successful pilot was conducted in Israel and is being followed by another one in California.
March 30, 2012

Jerusalem Introduces Water Recycling In Ritual Baths
The Jerusalem Municipality is initiating a pilot project to recycle the water in one of the city’s ritual baths (Mikveh). If successful, 35 additional Mikvehs in Jerusalem will be added to project, bringing the total of recycled water to 100 million liters per year - saving 1 million dollars annually.
March 28, 2012

Wild Grains In Israel Show Effects Of Global Warming
Global warming is causing genetic changes in wild cereal grains in Israel, a recent study by University of Haifa reveals. Researchers fear that these changes could endanger future food production.
March 22, 2012

Israeli Company Creates Solar-Panel Windows To Power Buildings
Pythagoras Solar develops windows with built-in solar panels that increase energy efficiency and renewable power generation for buildings. The solar cells, based on patent-pending optical technology, are adaptable and can be installed in almost any kind of window.
March 20, 2012

High-Tech Helps Grow Fruit And Veg In Israeli Desert
How can tomatoes and peppers grow in the desert? Israeli scientists are using sophisticated electric sensors that measure moisture to provide the proper balance for the produce – and can even send the readings to smartphones.
March 19, 2012

Invention: Paper Made From Sewage
For decades we have been using notebooks said to be produced from "woodless paper". A new Israeli invention is making it possible to produce "scentless paper" – from drain water. Applied CleanTech has developed a system capable of turning stinking sewage into a renewable and profitable source of energy.
March 14, 2012

Will Sea Anemone Contribute To Human Organ Repair?
Israeli scientists will establish a center to study the sea anemone Nematostella, which has the ability to regenerate its body parts. Researchers are hopeful this sea creature will contribute to the development of drugs that can speed rehabilitation of damaged organs.
March 13, 2012