
Robots Are What Makes This Israeli Solar Farm Super-Efficient
Most everybody wants to use cleaner forms of energy and solar power is always mentioned in that context. However, since most solar farms are located in deserts, it's very hard to maintain the panels clean – and that damages energy production. Enter Israeli company Ecoppia, which developed the world's first solar-panel-cleaning robot.
March 27, 2014

Israeli Tech To Help The US Past Worst Drought In 500 Years
With a large percentage of water recycled and extremely advanced desalination technologies, Israel is a world leader in water-technology. It is no surprise then, that when facing the worst drought in 500 years, the US has turned to Israeli companies to keep their taps running.
March 16, 2014

Israel To Present Giant Living Wall At Expo Milano in 2015
If there's one field (pun intended) in which Israeli innovation is at its finest – it's agriculture. So Israel is planning to build a giant living and breathing wall to present its technological achievements in agriculture at the Israeli pavilion of Expo Milano 2015.
March 12, 2014

Qoros Unveils What Might Just Be The World’s Coolest Electric Bicycle
Chinese-Israeli automotive company Qoros has unveiled its eBIQE electric bicycle at the 2014 Geneva Motor Show – and it's a beauty. The bike is fast, eco-friendly and might just be the most advanced electric bicycle in the world.
March 12, 2014

3D Printing: How The Technology Brings Energy And Hope To The Third World
Much of the world's future will be shaped by 3D printers and at the forefront of that industry is Israeli-American company Stratasys. Several eco-friendly companies are using Stratasys' technology to 3D print energy sources for third-world countries.
February 28, 2014

Bats Combine Echolocation And Vision To Rule The Skies
The term "blind as a bat" is not only wrong, it is a complete contradiction, since few creatures see as well as bats. Their use of both sound and vision to locate objects gives them a wide advantage over other nocturnal flying predators.
February 26, 2014

Israel To Launch Satellite To Monitor Crops From Outer Space
Although it was scheduled to launch in 2008, the Israeli-French satellite VENµS will finally get its trip to the stars next year. The satellite is Israeli-made, equipped with a French superspectral camera, and will be used to monitor agriculture from outer-space.
February 16, 2014

No More Brown Fruit! All-Natural Spray Keeps Sliced Fruit Fresh
Leave a sliced banana out on the counter for an hour and it turns brown. Israeli spray Spresh prevents fruit from browning for up to 24 hours - without damaging its flavor. The project is now on Kickstarter.
February 02, 2014

How Going Solar Can Earn You Some Extra Income
Solar power is a great source of energy: It's both infinite and eco-friendly. However, some people may need a little extra incentive to have solar panels installed on their roofs. Israeli startup Generaytor is all about showing people the financial possibilities of going solar.
January 30, 2014

This Electric City Car Can Fold To The Size Of A Motorcycle
As any true urbanite will know, few things are more frustrating that driving around for half an hour just to find a parking spot. Luckily, Israeli company City Transformer’s has created an eco-friendly foldable car that takes up just a quarter of a regular parking spot.
January 28, 2014

Tel Aviv Researchers Reveal Why Thriving Civilizations Perished 3,200 Years Ago In The Levant
What caused the decline of the great civilizations of the Bronze Age in the Levant? This question was an enduring mystery, until a team of Israeli and German researchers harvested ancient pollen from the bottom of Israel's lakes to find the answer.
January 14, 2014

Israeli Visionary Creates Self-Sustaining Farms By Combining Fish And Hydroponics
What do you get when you combine fish and plants that grow on water? Yes, sushi is one answer, but we're referring to aquaponics – an innovative technique for creating farms that supply both fish and plants, while creating an ecosystem that sustains itself.
December 25, 2013

Israel’s Evogene Tells NoCamels What It’s Like To Become A Major Public Company
Israeli companies are holding IPOs left and right. While the figures are usually all that hit the headlines, Israeli plant genomics company Evogene, which recently raised $84 million on the New York Stock Exchange, told NoCamels what it's really like to go public.
December 10, 2013

Meet The Tiny Gadget That Will Sound The Alarm If Your Bike Is Being Stolen
as more city dwellers turn to bikes as their main mode of transportation, they are still faced with one major drawback: Theft. An Israeli product called Cricket is an innovative way to protect your bike, using a tiny motion sensor that send you a message when your bike is being touched.
November 19, 2013

Water Filters: A Key To World Peace?
Considering the fact that only 3 percent of the water on earth is fresh water, and that more than half of that is in the form of inaccessible glaciers, it becomes clear just what an essential service Israeli water filtration leader Amiad provides to the world.
November 17, 2013