By Shiri Wasserman

Reinventing The Used Car Marketplace, One-Year-Old Startup ‘Beepi’ Raises $60 Million
After a car dealer swindled the Beepi co-founders into buying a ‘lemon’ car, the pair created an online marketplace with awesome perks and stress-free car dealing.
October 07, 2014

Sci-Fi: The Top Ten Israeli Inventions That Allow The Blind To ‘See’
Known as the Startup Nation, Israeli startups have now taken their expertise in innovation and technology to create revolutionary tools for the blind and visually impaired. Here are ten Israeli companies whose vision is brightening the lives of those who cannot see.
July 16, 2014

‘HelpAround’ App Helps Diabetics Find Immediate Help In A Crowd
With one in ten people suffering from diabetes in the US, it isn't too hard to find a diabetic in the crowd – a fact that can come in handy when someone with diabetes requires urgent medical assistance. Israeli app HelpAround was created to help these people find each other – and offer assistance in a time of need.
June 18, 2014

Architecture Firm Builds Bridges Between Israelis And Palestinians, Literally
Much of the world's conflict-resolution is done behind closed doors between various nations, but what if architects were thrown into the mix? Israeli firm Saya has set out to design a practical, architectural solution to world conflicts, from the Middle East to Cyprus and the US Mexican border.
April 23, 2014

goFlow: Big Wave Rider Ian Walsh Joins Former Israeli Women’s Surf Champ To Launch Global Surfing App
Any surfer will tell you the most frustrating thing is for weather forecast to predict a flat sea, only for you to miss awesome waves. That's why a former pro surfer launched a kickin' surfing app, which uses crowdsourcing to ensure surfers never miss a wave.
March 31, 2014

Israeli Company Grows New Bones From Patients’ Fat
The average person has two broken bones in their lifetime, so it's no surprise that trying to heal broken bones is as old as medicine itself. Israeli company Bonus BioGroup has come up with a revolutionary procedure: Growing a person's bone from their fat.
February 19, 2014

Askem Gets You The Answer You Need On Any Question
“Everyone, everyday faces small decision-making moments in every aspect of their life,” says Itai Herman. Helping them make these decisions, Herman devised mobile application Askem, that allows anyone to upload questions on any subject and instantaneously receive feedback from hundreds or thousands of people.
January 27, 2014

Israeli Startup Enables Touch-Free Control Of Smart Devices For The Disabled
As intuitive as touchscreen is, for some people it is still not an option. People with disabilities can't use the devices most of use so easily. Israeli company Sesame Enable is developing technology that allows these people to control smart devices using only head movement.
January 05, 2014

CrowdAdviser Opens Marketplace For Ideas To Help Small Businesses Get Feedback
Starting your own business is never easy, especially without advice. Israeli startup CrowdAdvisor is launching an "worldwide marketplace for feedback." The website will allow businesses to get instant feedback from potential customers around the world.
December 16, 2013