By Jonathan Neff

StoreDot, Which Charges Smartphone Battery In 30 Seconds, Will Soon Charge Cars In 5 Minutes!
StoreDot's amazing tech, which charges smartphones in only 30 seconds, will one day charge cars in a mere 5 minutes.
July 09, 2015

World Oceans Day 2015: Israeli Tech HARBO Cuts Down Response Time To Oil Spills To 20 Minutes
Thousands of oil spills occur every year, and cleanup efforts often seem futile. But a new Israeli solution is about to change that.
June 08, 2015

No More Texting While Driving: RayGo Keeps Your Eyes On The Road, Saves Lives
This five-button gizmo, which clips to your steering wheel, turns most messaging apps into voice-activated ones so you can keep your eyes on the road.
June 01, 2015

Location-Based Tags App ‘Meetey’ Joins Slew Of New Check-In Apps
Stayed in a great hotel and want a way to share it with others? With Meetey, users can tag places to leave eternal online notes anywhere in the world.
March 30, 2015

nFrnds And Microsoft Aim To Turn 5 Billion ‘Dumb’ Phones Into Smartphones
There are 6.8 billion active cell phones on earth, but just a quarter of them are smartphones. Now, millions of 'dumb' phones are about to get a facelift with Israel's nFrnds and Microsoft.
February 22, 2015

Home Is Where The Hand Is: New Gizmo Singlecue Uses Gestures To Control Anything From TV to iTunes
Imagine sitting in front of your TV and muting it by placing a finger to your lips in a “shush” motion. This vision will soon become reality thanks to Singlecue.
February 01, 2015

New Israeli Cancer Vaccine Triggers Response In 90% Of Cancer Types
An Israeli biotechnology company is developing immunotherapy that's designed to prevent cancer from returning.
January 01, 2015