By Brian Blum
VascoDe Is Giving ‘Dumb-Phones’ Smart Capabilities
While it may look like everyone has a smartphone these days, there are still literally billions of "dumb-phones" out there, especially in developing countries. Israeli VascoDe is now tapping into that market with its unique solution.
June 23, 2013
Choose Your Plot: Israeli Rock-Star Creates Interactive Video
Israeli musician Yoni Bloch has led the way to interactive music video watching. At various points in Bloch's music videos, the viewer is presented with two choices - for example, should the band play an acoustic or electric set?
March 12, 2011
Plastic Patch To Knock Out Acne
A new plastic from Israel that can knock out acne, keep milk from spoiling, make juice boxes bacteria-free, and reduce infections.
November 16, 2010