By Betty Ilovici

From Creative Spirit To Innovative Startups: What Makes Tel Aviv One Of The World’s ‘Techiest’ Cities
Tel Aviv's startup ecosystem is just as vibrant as its nightlife, with a host of accelerators, shared workspaces and a fair amount of city-sponsored TLC!
December 20, 2015

Slide GoPro’s ‘Buddy’ CAMpanion Onto Your Smartphone To Capture Amazing Pics
CAMpanion connects your smartphone to your GoPro to form an invincible point-and-shoot camera!
April 29, 2015

How Israeli Desalination Technology Is Helping Solve California’s Devastating Drought
Israeli engineers are working on a $1 billion desalination project in San Diego County using a cutting-edge process called reverse-osmosis.
April 27, 2015

Planning A Holiday? Meet The Top Israeli Startups That Make Travel So Much Easier
There's more to Israeli travel technologies than the popular navigation app Waze! Here are the leading apps that will make your summer vacation more enjoyable.
March 23, 2015

This Will Blow Your Mind: Brainsway’s Magnetic Pulses Helmet Relieves Depression, Obesity
The Brainsway Magnetic Pulses Helmet is gaining momentum in the world of psychiatry, potentially treating a range of conditions, including obesity and epilepsy.
March 08, 2015

Israelis, Palestinians Join Forces To Explore Local Flowers To Combat Cancer, Diabetes
Mediterranean flowers can fight diabetes and cancer, but they also helped in forming an unlikely partnership between Israeli and Palestinian researchers.
February 09, 2015

From Lego-Style Buildings To Mega Hotels, Legendary Israeli Architect Moshe Safdie Still Stuns The World
Moshe Safdie is the legendary Israeli architect behind some of the world's most breathtaking buildings. Aged 76, he is still revolutionizing the world of architecture.
January 26, 2015

Inspired By Israeli Air Force Simulators, Former Pilots Develop 3D Brain Simulator for Surgeons
Brain surgeons are adopting Israeli flight simulation technology to visualize and prepare for complex micro-surgical procedures in 3D.
December 25, 2014