By Avner Meyrav (translation

Yevvo: Will Micro-Broadcasting Overthrow Twitter’s Micro-Blogging?
Twitter users have grown accustomed to short, real-time text updates. Now, Israeli startup Yevvo is trying to convert that principle into video-blogging, by offering short HD broadcasting that can only be viewed live.
March 28, 2013

Israeli Researchers Grow Grapes In Winter With New Technology
In Israel, grapes are one of the indicators of summertime. However, the sweet fruit may soon be a year-round treat, thanks to a technique developed at Ramat Negev.
March 06, 2013

Israeli Students Develop System That Saves Water In The Shower
Winters in Israel always lead to a peak in wasted water, as Israelis let their shower water run for minutes on end as they wait for it to become warm. But not anymore, thanks to an Invention by Israeli students that conserves and reroutes cold water.
February 19, 2013 From Couch Surfing To Food Surfing
With the increasing popularity of social solutions for tourists, such as couch-surfing, it was only a matter of time until a similar model was invented for food. Israeli startup will help you enjoy a good home-cooked meal away from home.
January 01, 2013

Tel Aviv Considering Tiny Electric Car Rental
After the success of the city wide bicycle rental program, Tel-O-Fun, the city of Tel Aviv is now considering implementing a similar program using small electric cars intended for short-term rental.
December 27, 2012

Plarium: The Israeli Gaming Giant That Is Big In Russia
All over the English speaking world, Zynga is synonymous with Facebook gaming. But in Eastern Europe and Russia, a different company is taking social gaming by storm – Israeli gaming giant Plarium.
November 21, 2012

GreenRoad: The App That Uses Your Smartphone To Make Driving Safer
Israeli company GreenRoad, which spent the last decade creating sensors for vehicle fleets, has modified its technology to be used on any Android smartphone. The company says their app can help reduce gas consumption by 10 percent and traffic accidents by 50 percent.
November 15, 2012

Israeli Company Mobileye Developing Driverless Cars
The driverless car is becoming a reality, with power players such as General Motors and Google working on the technology. Israel also has a candidate in the game – Jerusalem-based Mobileye - which is developing a car that can drive itself for a for short periods of time.
October 20, 2012

Boxee Launches TV Set-Top Box With Limitless DVR Storage
After their streamer was commercially unsuccessful, Israeli-American company Boxee has shifted focus: Boxee TV is an internet based TV system, which offers on-demand content and cloud-based limitless DVR storage.
October 18, 2012

Hoozin: Taking Group Messaging To the Next Level
Despite the abundance in messaging apps for smartphones, Israeli company Hoozin suggests that none of them offers an experience of group-conversation that is similar to the real thing. The company, who has recently raised $750k, claims that their app gives an experience that's much closer to the way groups of people interact in real life.
October 02, 2012

Can Israeli App TU Me Dethrone WhatsApp?
There are many apps out there that allow users to text each other over the internet, but none are quite as populat and widely used as WhatsApp. However, a new Israeli app called TU Me just might have the edge needed.
September 23, 2012

High-Tech Center In Southern Israel To Employ Orthodox, Ethiopians, Arabs
The new center, which is being built in the town of Yeruham by Negevco and Andres Kukawka, will provide technology outsourcing services for Israeli companies. Recruiting and training will start this November. 3.2 million NIS will be invested in the project over the next three years.
September 15, 2012

Israelis Brought In To Transform India’s Antiquated Cow Farms
Israeli kibbutz members have been called to India to help bring the country's ancient dairy industry into the 21st century. A key factor in designing the farms was remembering that in India - cows are holy.
September 10, 2012

Research Finds Female Doctors More Tolerant Than Male Counterparts
A Researcher at Bar Ilan University has concluded that female doctors show more tolerance towards patients than male doctors, who are less patient. The study also identifies many other variables that influence the way certain doctors handle conflicts with patients.
September 09, 2012