Israel NewTech has launched an interactive map of Israeli innovations in clean technology and energy as part of a new Industry, Trade & Labor Ministry campaign that aims to highlight the country’s international influence in the sector and attract international investors.
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The map, dubbed “the CleanTech Map” was launched on Israel NewTech’s Facebook page. “We’re very excited about this new application,” says Adi Yefet-Beeri, who is responsible for the water sector at Israel NewTech. “Our objective is to open doors for Israeli companies around the world, and to inform about Israeli technology innovations, and this is a perfect vehicle for doing so. We believe it will be a strong marketing tool that all Israeli cleantech companies – from water, to alternative energy, agriculture and environment – can benefit from and use to advance themselves internationally.”
Green prophet, the website covering clean technologies in the Middle East, wrote about the map: “We have been frustrated with the slow pace at which Israel has incorporated some of its own homegrown innovations, such as solar power, but now the government is deliberately shining a spotlight on various companies that are advancing renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, water conservation and other environmental initiatives in countries across the globe.”
“Israel’s cleantech industry is experiencing a tremendous momentum,” says head of Israel NewTech Oded Distel. “When the Israel NewTech program began its activity in 2006 Israel’s exports in the water sector totaled $600 Million, in 2011 they already reached $2 Billion. Our program is dedicated to continuing to provide maximum international exposure to Israel’s cleantech companies, and this Cleantech Map is another important tool in our efforts.”
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