There are plenty of apps that help you turn a succession of still images into a moving-slideshow/video. New Israeli startup Takes doesn’t simply turn your photos into a music-backdropped slideshow, it literally turns photos into moving images in real-time. Takes basically uses motion-sensing technology built into smartphones to fill the gaps in between photos to make the transition look seamless.
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“Why do we need to choose between taking photos and shooting video when we can do them both at the same time?” Takes CEO Amit Man asked in an interview with Tech website The Next Web. “By pressing one key, your photos come alive and become a video, and by video, I don’t mean all those slideshow ones you see, but a real video.” The app was launched last week at SXSW in Austin, Texas.
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The real innovation about this app is that it uses patent-pending technology to seamlessly piece the photos together. “We analyze the capture, the metadata pertaining to it, and try to figure out from that snapshot moment in time, what is the best video segment,” Man tells The Next Web. “It’s not a photo, it’s not a video…it’s a ‘take.’ Something that combines both.”
The Next Web’s Apps & Media Editor Paul Sawers tries Takes:
Takes’ developers explain that many people are reluctant to capture video with their mobile phones, because there’s a lot of planning involved. “You don’t see a lot of home video-shares compared to photos,” says Man. “One of the reasons for this is it’s really hard to capture video, you need to keep the iPhone still, you need to be a director and decide where to start and stop. It’s a mentally demanding process.”
One of the app’s aims is to enable people to create videos of extended moments, such as a night out with friends, and then portray them using the app’s unique output. Another one of the app’s features is adding music to the clip. Takes has a range of royalty free soundtracks you can add to the app, which will automatically adjust in length according to the clip’s duration. The app also enables you to add music from your own music library, but doing this will disable sharing features, in order to avoid copyright infringement.
Man also said that he invited independent musicians to contribute to the app’s music library in exchange for credits and a link to their iTunes’ page.
Photo: Takes
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