On International Women’s Day, Less Than 25% Of Israeli Women Have Senior Tech Roles – Report
A new report by the Israel Innovation Authority shows that women in tech are still being underrepresented in the Israeli high-tech industry.
March 08, 2022

220 VCs and Startups Band Together To Increase Female Representation In Israeli Tech
The Israeli survey conducted by Power in Diversity looked at 424 startups and 70 VC funds to find the average representation of women.
January 10, 2022

4 Israeli Female Founders Win ‘European Women In Tech’ Awards
The awards recognize the achievements of 24 successful female founders and entrepreneurs who set up companies in the European region.
August 19, 2020

Israel Innovation Authority Launches New Incentive Program For Women-Led Startups
The program seeks to narrow the existing gender gap in the Israel tech ecosystem.
February 07, 2019

‘Let’s Get To 51’: New Initiative Seeks To Get Women Their Fair Share Of The ‘Startup Nation’
'Let's get to 51 percent' is a viral project that provides women entrepreneurs with access to industry leaders, but some say it's naive.
November 28, 2017

Teachers’ Gender Bias Discourages Girls From Pursuing Math, Science
A Tel Aviv University study finds that teachers' gender bias discourages girls from widening their horizons in math and science.
April 08, 2015

Women Entrepreneurs Are More Successful Than Men In Crowdfunding Campaigns
Women may struggle to keep an even playing field with men in the startup world, but new research finds that crowdfunding campaigns gives women an advantage, with higher success rates in raising funds,
September 08, 2014

Three Israeli Women Nab Top Spots In ’22 Most Powerful Women Engineers In The World’ List
Every year, Business Insider gives a shout-out to women in the tech industry with its list of "most powerful women engineers in the world." This year, the publication featured 22 women, of which three were Israeli, by far the largest number of any country when compared to Israel's small size and population.
July 23, 2014

10 Amazing Female Israeli Tech Leaders Who Put Quality In Equality
James Brown once said "this is a man's world," but as these 10 Israeli women show, that couldn't be further from the truth. NoCamels has sifted through the startup nation to bring you the top ten key female figures in Israel's tech scene.
May 12, 2014