‘Hop’ Will Give Email Conversations A Better Flow On Your Smartphone
It's easy to understand why people prefer texting apps to email apps on their smartphones. Texting was made for cellphones, while emails were simply adapted. Now Israeli startup Hop has created an app that will let you enjoy the benefits of email, while maintaining the feel of texting.
October 25, 2013
‘SayWhat’ Helps You Find Out What A Caller Wants Before You Pick Up
If you thought the mobile communications mix was rich enough already – think again. An Israeli app developer reckons there’s room for one more way to exchange messages, which combines the urgency of a voice with the convenience of text.
December 20, 2012
Can Israeli App TU Me Dethrone WhatsApp?
There are many apps out there that allow users to text each other over the internet, but none are quite as populat and widely used as WhatsApp. However, a new Israeli app called TU Me just might have the edge needed.
September 23, 2012