Israeli App Ensures You Have Cellphone Signal Everywhere
We've all been there: You have to make an important call, but you suddenly have poor cellphone signal. Israeli app Glove is designed to ensure you select the carrier that has the best coverage, wherever you are.
January 09, 2014
Israeli Startup Tawkon Launches Its Cellular Radiation Detection App In Japan
Radiation is a serious matter in Japan. Two of the worst nuclear catastrophes in human history took place in the Asian country. Now Israeli company Tawkon is taking its cellphone radiation detection app to Japan.
April 24, 2013
Controversial App Tells You How Much Radiation You Absorb During Mobile Chats
An Israeli startup that launched a popular mobile application telling users how much radiation their brain is absorbing during every mobile phone conversation is now shifting its attention to children, due to increasing exposure.
May 08, 2011