Israeli Startup Using Sunlight To Cool Cars Strikes Deal With Volkswagen
SolCold developed technology in a film that can be activated to cool rooftops, cars, and even devices using sunlight.
April 26, 2022

How Going Solar Can Earn You Some Extra Income
Solar power is a great source of energy: It's both infinite and eco-friendly. However, some people may need a little extra incentive to have solar panels installed on their roofs. Israeli startup Generaytor is all about showing people the financial possibilities of going solar.
January 30, 2014

Israeli Solution Uses Sunlight For Desalination
Israel is a world leader when it comes to desalination, but there's still room for improvement. Desalination company SunDwater is using sunlight to separate water from salt and pollution using sunlight.
April 21, 2013

Israeli Company Brings Light To Third World Countries
Many third world countries have complete lack of street lighting, making it extremely dangerous to drive in anything but clear and sunny conditions.That is why Globe Light and Water Systems, an Israeli company, has developed a new standalone light fixture that relies solely on solar energy and LED lights, rather than on the government-run power plants.
August 02, 2011