Facebook Users Share Grandma-Style Remedies
Israeli Facebook users have contributed ideas and suggestions for natural remedies to fight coughs, stomach aches and other illnesses. The users take part in a competition, held in collaboration with Israeli websites Ynet and InfoMed, which offers prizes to those who contribute to the Facebook reservoir of grandmother-style remedies and cures. In honor of latest […]
February 13, 2011
Bracelet Detecting Epileptic Seizures Could Save Lives
Each year, it is estimated that several thousand epilepsy patients in the United States alone will die or suffer severe brain damage from an unattended epileptic seizure. EpiLert is based on a sensor that can detect the limb movements associated with an epileptic seizure.
February 13, 2011
Group Gifting Through Social Networks
Israeli start-up “The Gifts Project” announces supporting Ebay’s Group Gifting platform. The year old company developed a social ecommerce platform for online group gifting, launched their service next to 2010s holiday season.
February 13, 2011
Beyond The Conflict: Showing The Face Of Israeli Art
Omanoot - art in Hebrew - is a website dedicated to highlighting and teaching Israeli art to a wider audience. Cohen came up with the idea around the time of the second intifada, when he felt not only an increasingly hostile attitude towards Israel, but also a distancing from Israel’s bustling art scene.
February 11, 2011
Better Education Leads To Better Health, Report Says
The more educated you are, the less likely you are to smoke, be disabled or contract diabetes and the more likely you are to exercise, National Health Survey says.
February 10, 2011
Bat Yam City’s New Plants Are Attracting Swarms of Butterflies
Butterflies are arriving in great colorful swarms to Israel's Mediterranean city of Bat Yam, attracted to 150,000 new plants brought to town by the chief municipal landscaper, Eliav Hatuka. The beautiful insects are an indication of a healthy environment, since they avoid polluted places.
February 10, 2011
‘Don’t Be Paranoid About Computer Attacks’ Says Israeli Wizard Kid
An Israeli computer genius who graduated university at the age of 12 is determined to make computers impenetrable with his new product, Paranoid. Nir Gaist, now 23 years old and co-founder of the start-up Nyotron, developed an anti-virus that takes a new approach to computer security by combining technology and social psychology.
February 10, 2011
Israeli Legislation To Force Clean-Up Of Dump Sites Around The Country
Earlier this month the Israeli Ministerial Committee for Legislation gave its support for a proposed law designed to clean up polluted land and prevent future ground pollution. This bill may lead to a framework that would be the first of its kind providing financial incentives to expedite the clean-up of polluted sites.
February 08, 2011
Israeli Doctors Teach Male Circumcision To African Doctors To Combat Aids
Israeli doctors are training local doctors all over Africa to circumcise adult men in order to reduce the spread of HIV/Aids on the continent.
February 06, 2011
Solar Panels That Float On Water
Award winning Israeli company Solaris Synergy has designed solar energy grids that can float on water, reducing energy production costs, and preventing water loss. The start-up has a working prototype on the roof of its headquarters and is due to install a pilot project in 2011 under the auspices of Mekorot, Israel's water authority.
February 05, 2011
Israel Phone Company To Recruit Organ Donors Via SMS
A new campaign co-shared by Israel's YNET news, the Israeli Pelephone cellular company and the Israeli center for organ donation will try to recruit people who are willing to sign an ADI card for organ donation by text message. Hundreds of thousands of Pelephone's customers will receive a message in which they will be asked to sign an organ donation card. The signature will be performed by a return message.
February 05, 2011
Male Birth-Control: Taking The Pill No Longer Just For Women
The female birth control pill, commonly referred to as 'The Pill,' is not 100 percent effective, and some women's bodies don't react well to the extra hormones. Now, finally, a new birth control option for men is in the works, which would allow partners to share the responsibility.MALE
February 04, 2011
New Algorithm Aims to Solve Bottlenecks In Networks
As sensors that do things like detect touch and motion in cell phones get smaller, cheaper and more reliable, computer manufacturers are beginning to take seriously the decade-old idea of “smart dust” — networks of tiny wireless devices that permeate the environment, monitoring everything from the structural integrity of buildings and bridges to the activity […]
February 02, 2011
Sela College Prepares For The Future Of Online Education
A new Israeli virtual institution, Sela College, recently announced the launch of the Online Lecture Channel. The channel will stream free lectures given by lecturers from universities, international experts, and users on a variety of educational subjects.
February 02, 2011
Pilotless Drones Take Water Meter Reading To New Heights
In countries where water demand is high but resource is low, every drop counts. An Israeli company have strived to prevent water leaks by perfecting manual methods of water measuring. Their Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is a two-pound drone plane that can travel 900 feet above ground and detect water leaks.
February 02, 2011