Go With The Gut: New Israeli Research Probes Microbiome Responses To Personalized Diets
Recent findings from the Weizmann Institute show how personalized nutrition in relation to gut health paves the way for medical advances.
June 30, 2021

Mediterranean Diet Can Bust Body Fat, Reverse Artery Damage
A new study by researchers from BGU has found that a low-carb Mediterranean diet is better at reducing dangerous fat deposits than a low-fat diet.
December 06, 2017

Mediterranean Diet Is Better For Your Heart Than Taking Statins
A Mediterranean diet is better than statins at lowering the risk of an early death from heart disease for millions of people.
August 31, 2016

Study: Mediterranean And Low-Carb Diets Have Long-Lasting Health Benefits
Dieting today may still positively affect your health years from now. That's what a recent study conducted by Ben Gurion University has shown. Even if some weight has been regained, the benefits of diets like the Mediterranean or low-carb diet can last years.
October 14, 2012