Israel Leads World In COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Per Capita
Israel is administering more vaccine doses per 100 people than anywhere else: Bahrain is second, and Iceland is third as of December 30.
December 31, 2020
Israelis ‘Puzzle’ Over Jewish High Holidays In Second Lockdown
As Israel heads into another COVID-19 lockdown, the hotspots of activity this week have been city libraries, toy stores, and bike shops.
September 17, 2020
Second Lockdown Won’t Halt Israel’s Worst Health, Economic Crises On Record – Study
Israel's inconsistent and contradictory government policies on COVID-19 have led to chaos and another lockdown, says a new Shoresh report.
September 14, 2020
As Israel Eases Coronavirus Restrictions, What Could Our ‘New Normal’ Look Like?
Officials in Israel and across the world over have urged that we should prepare for a changed reality post-pandemic.
April 21, 2020
‘Exit’ Plans: Israel Looks For A Way Out Of The Coronavirus Lockdown
After 5 weeks of isolation and closures, Israel is starting to think about how to emerge from the crisis.
April 16, 2020
A Holiday Unlike Any Other: Israeli Interactive Passover Initiatives Keep Us Connected
This year, the world’s Jewish communities are turning to technology and creativity to celebrate the holiday as coronavirus requirements of social distancing changes usual mass gatherings around the seder table.
April 07, 2020