Israeli Health Startup Taps Into Behavioral Science – And Texting – To Help Combat Tuberculosis
Founded in 2014, Keheala developed a 'low-tech' solution to help motivate treatment adherence and get patients to take their medications on time.
September 05, 2019
A $7 PC: Keepod Launches Project To Give African Slums Computer Access
If you're reading this, chances are you take access to a personal computer for granted. But did you know that five billion people have limited access to a PC? Israeli company Keepod is partnering with LiveInSlums to give everyone a PC - for $7.
February 09, 2014
The Two Brothers Whose Charity Is Bringing Israeli Technology To Kenyan Farming
Sometimes a little help can go a long way. That is what brothers Gilad and Yonatan Shilo thought when they decided to found a non-profit organization to promote better sustainable agriculture in Kenya.
September 15, 2013
Israel And Germany Cooperate To Save Lake Victoria
Israel and Germany have agreed on a combined project for rehabilitating Lake Victoria in Kenya, which suffers from pollution and serious ecological problems.
February 14, 2011
Israeli Doctors Open First ER Facility in Kenya’s Third Largest City
In just three weeks, a team of Israeli aid workers completed construction of a hospital emergency room - the only facility of its kind - in Kisumu, Kenya.
January 20, 2011