Intensity, Intuition, Reflection: Israeli Artist Shai Yehezkelli Opens Up About His Process
This article is a guest post on NoCamels and has been contributed by a third party. NoCamels assumes no responsibility for the content, including facts, visuals, and opinions presented by the author(s). Sarah Peguine and Michal Freedman are the founders of Art Source, a platform that provides exclusive access to discover and buy contemporary Israeli art […]
March 02, 2022

More Than Skin-Deep: Israeli Artist’s Camouflage Body Paintings Reveal Country’s Natural Beauty
Expat Ram showcases the beauty of Israel with camouflage body paintings all around the country: "Israel will always be in my heart."
May 18, 2017

From Art To Light Fixtures, Designer Ayala Serfaty Illuminates The World With Stunning Installations
Serfaty, who invented new methods of sculpting glass and fabric, has exhibited in some of the world's most prestigious museums.
November 30, 2015

Rihanna’s Awesome New Album Cover Designed By Israeli Artist Roy Nachum
Rihanna commissioned Israeli artist Roy Nachum to design the cover for her new album Anti - and the sneak preview is nothing short of awesome.
October 25, 2015