Study Shows Our Senses Are Not Confined To Different Brain Parts
Brain function is based on tasks and not senses, says new research conducted in Israel and France, which challenges prevailing view among scientists.
February 24, 2011

New Drug To Heal Diabetics’ Chronic Wounds
Israeli and American scientists have developed a drug to treat chronic wounds - those wounds that do not heal in an orderly set of stages and in a predictable amount of time the way most wounds dousing - using cutting edge Nano-Technology.
February 23, 2011

Tel Aviv Does Music Concerts In Unexpected Places!
To see a music concert in Tel Aviv, you can either buy an expensive ticket and get squished in the raving crowd, or you can simply go to your local barbershop!
February 22, 2011

Can A Computer Game Teach You To Play Like Mozart?
An Israeli start up company is trying to democratize music with its new computer game, by fusing the fun of a game, with the difficult stages of learning an instrument.
February 21, 2011

New Search Engine Says It Will Do To Video What Google Did For Text
Search engines are getting smarter by the minute- after Google’s revolution in text based sites, a new kind of search engine uses patent-pending computer vision algorithms that can actually see the video’s content.
February 20, 2011

Palestinian And Israeli Hippopotamus Matchmaking
A safari in Israel and a Palestinian Zoo in the West Bank are cooperating to get a hippopotamus out of his depression and loneliness, by fixing him up with a female companion.
February 19, 2011

Israeli Universities Take In Students Forced To Flee Egypt
Seventeen displaced American college students, who were forced to leave Egypt amid the political turmoil, are now studying at Israeli universities.
February 19, 2011

Israeli Start-Up Uses iPhone To Report Dangerous Drivers
Thanks to Israeli cell phone application developer Zemingo, dangerous drivers are now getting their just desserts. Drivers who install the Traffic Observer app on their iPhones will be able to record and report offensive road behavior
February 15, 2011

Piracy Detection Technology Assigns DNA To Every Movie
Engineers led atTel Aviv University have developed a new way to stop movie and video pirates uising “video DNA matching,” which can create a unique fingerprint for every movie on the planet.
February 14, 2011

Archeological Site Shows Complex Plannig In Biblical City
Reconstruction of Tel Be'er Sheva's ancient buildings, believed to be the remains of the biblical town of Be'er Sheva, enables an understanding of sophisticated urban planning during biblical times.
February 13, 2011

Facebook Users Share Grandma-Style Remedies
Israeli Facebook users have contributed ideas and suggestions for natural remedies to fight coughs, stomach aches and other illnesses. The users take part in a competition, held in collaboration with Israeli websites Ynet and InfoMed, which offers prizes to those who contribute to the Facebook reservoir of grandmother-style remedies and cures. In honor of latest […]
February 13, 2011

Bracelet Detecting Epileptic Seizures Could Save Lives
Each year, it is estimated that several thousand epilepsy patients in the United States alone will die or suffer severe brain damage from an unattended epileptic seizure. EpiLert is based on a sensor that can detect the limb movements associated with an epileptic seizure.
February 13, 2011

Group Gifting Through Social Networks
Israeli start-up “The Gifts Project” announces supporting Ebay’s Group Gifting platform. The year old company developed a social ecommerce platform for online group gifting, launched their service next to 2010s holiday season.
February 13, 2011

Beyond The Conflict: Showing The Face Of Israeli Art
Omanoot - art in Hebrew - is a website dedicated to highlighting and teaching Israeli art to a wider audience. Cohen came up with the idea around the time of the second intifada, when he felt not only an increasingly hostile attitude towards Israel, but also a distancing from Israel’s bustling art scene.
February 11, 2011

Israeli Doctors Teach Male Circumcision To African Doctors To Combat Aids
Israeli doctors are training local doctors all over Africa to circumcise adult men in order to reduce the spread of HIV/Aids on the continent.
February 06, 2011