Israeli/Arab Singers Sing For Peace
Singer Achinoam Nini (Noa) has never been afraid to voice her opinions. At the 2011 Speaking Arts conference, she sang with Palestinian artists. 'It's very hard to hold such events despite the fact that we are artists and that such connections should hover over everything."
December 06, 2011

BBC Video: How Israel Became A Hi-Tech Hub
Israel currently has almost 4,000 active technology start-ups - more than any other country outside the United States, according to Israel Venture Capital Research Centr. Watch this BBC report to understand how it happened.
December 06, 2011

Researchers Find New Way To Create Low-Cost Solar Cells
Solar cells that use inorganic nanocrystals or "quantum dots" could be a cheaper alternative, but they are generally less efficient at turning solar energy into electricity. Technion researchers have now found a new way to generate an electrical field inside quantum dots, making them more suitable for building an energy-efficient solar cell.
December 05, 2011

Tonara App – Music That Listens To You
A new iPad app aims to re-invent the veteran music-sheet by being the first interactive “musical kindle.” The Tonara app is the first interactive sheet music app that listens to people while they play music or sing.
December 04, 2011

iPad App Lets Patients Watch Live Surgeries
Thanks to a technology developed in Israel, relatives will be able to view coronary catheterization of their loved ones on their iPads in real time and in high resolution. “This is the beginning of a new medical era,” said Prof. Ran Kornowsky, who initiated the project.
November 30, 2011

Optimism Helps Female Students Excel, But Harms Males
A new study by researchers from Ben-Gurion University in Israel on undergraduate students determined that optimism helps female studens excel, but on the other hand sabotages male students' success.
November 29, 2011

Improved Virtual Shopper Right In Time For Holiday Sales
Instead of braving the 4 AM crowds in search of a bargain during the holiday season, the Israeli start-up Superfish has developed an improved virtual shopping technology to better the online shopping experience.
November 28, 2011

Cancer Vaccine Could See Light In 2017
A biotechnical company in Israel has produced a ground-breaking therapeutic vaccine for cancer patients which could prevent about 90 percent of cancers from coming back, including prostate and breast cancer, solid and non-solid tumours.
November 26, 2011

Sensor To Detect Lung Cancer In Breath
A researcher collaboration between scientists at University of Colorado–Denver and Technion–Israel Institute of Technology has successfully tested a gold nanoparticle (GNP)-based sensor that can detect lung cancer (LC) markers in a patient’s breath.
November 24, 2011

Israeli Technology Turns Sludge Into Electricity
Israeli startup GRPL discovered a way to utilize sludge and turn it into electricity. This innovative process will save money and will significantly help clean up the environment.
November 23, 2011

Seeds Of Peace: Botanical Gardens To Connect Jews And Arabs
The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens has created a "coexistence" program designed to bring Jewish and Arab children together in peaceful surroundings.The project brings together nine- to 11-year-olds from the city’s Jewish and Muslim schools.
November 22, 2011

Israeli-Developed Artificial Pancreas Tested On Diabetic Children
Researchers conducted a study on children with type 1 diabetes in a hotel rather than a hospital, for the first time in history. This innovation relieves the patients from the daily burden of dealing with their illness and holds the potential to significantly improve their quality of life.
November 22, 2011

New Food Packaging Made Of Natural, Fruity Repellents
The company Bio[pack] has developed innovative packaging for food products that keeps the bugs out by giving them a taste of nature. They use naturally-occurring bug repellents in fruits, vegetables, grains and spices.
November 21, 2011

Franken-Mouse? Scientists Create Mouse Sperm In Lab
A new technique developed by Ben- Gurion University researchers has generated mouse sperm cells from testicular germ cells in a petri dish. Prof. Mahmoud Huleihel and his research group call their in vitro work a “breakthrough” that could eventually help infertile men who cannot produce sperm.
November 20, 2011

No More Cashiers In Supermarkets – Scan All Items With Your Phone
No more queuing in supermarkets? No more waiting for the cashier to scan every item in your shopping bag? That's what a new startup company says is in store for us if their product takes off. With ShelfX, all a customer has to do in order to purchase an item is use their mobile phone or a ShelfX Card to scan a product.
November 19, 2011